Kemper makes noise

  • It's exactly the same noise one of my old studio monitors (one of the pair; I now use them for home-stereo setup) produces. It's the first time I've heard this sound from another source in the 15 years since the noise began. Uncanny.

    Based on my monitor experience, I'm betting that this noise isn't there all the time, but rather comes and goes, often feeling like it builds to a crescendo and then suddenly disappears again. Intuitively I've always assumed it was some sort of capacitor / capacitance issue due to the micro and macro build-ups. If you look at the waveform of your sample you can see this.

    Whatever the solution, it's definitely "internal" and something support will have to look at for you. Unfortunately for me I've not been able to find a fix for my old Alesis monitors 'cause the local support avenue was shut down many years ago a few years after the units went out of production.

  • I'm getting something similar since the last update. I started palying through a GR-55 and I thought it was that... but it was gone when I plugged the synth directly into the amp. The noise gate gets rid of the noise, but at a cost...

    The older I get, the better I was.

  • I did some „trying“ with clicking through all sections, and when doing some changes in input section it suddenly disappeared, and stayed away for about two hours, after being there all time before since about 3 hours. But after this quiet time it came back again. If that would be a software problem I guess it could not act so random as it comes and goes, or am I wrong here? It just sounds like a tube in a real tube amp with bad contacts, a problem that I fixed hundreds of times in my business, but where are the tubes here .... ?

  • it suddenly disappeared, and stayed away for about two hours, after being there all time before since about 3 hours. But after this quiet time it came back again.

    Based on my monitor experience, I'm betting that this noise isn't there all the time, but rather comes and goes, often feeling like it builds to a crescendo and then suddenly disappears again. Intuitively I've always assumed it was some sort of capacitor / capacitance issue due to the micro and macro build-ups. If you look at the waveform of your sample you can see this.

    Exactly what I predicted, mate.

    In the early days with my Alesis monitors I took them to the repair station and they behaved perfectly, so I couldn't reproduce the problem for the techs. As I said 'though, before too long there was no avenue left for repair, so I've had to live with this for 15 years.

    Sometimes I think it's suddenly started raining outside and then realise it's one of the monitors "firing up" again. From a distance one hears mostly white noise, but as one approaches the monitor one hears exactly what your file contained, except for the reverb which of course monitors don't have.

    There's no way to control it so I just sit it out, waiting for a noise-free period to kick in again.

  • Monkey_Man, you got this from Kemper or from Alesis?

    I thought it was obvious that I'm trying to tell you that the noise you posted is exactly like what my faulty Alesis monitor makes.

    This would imply that it's not software but hardware - it's definitely "hardware" as far as the monitor's concerned. You said, "Any ideas?", and that's the best I could do in the circumstances. I shared the info 'cause, as I said, I've not heard that noise anywhere else, ever, except from my monitor, and now you.

    Hope Support will reply fast and got a solution, need the Toaster every day in the moment.

    I think the specific nature of the noise should provide them with enough clues as to what's going on, so sit tight, brother.

    Must be a super-busy time for support right now.

  • Hey guys, as I did not hear any words back from support after one message (reset infos), I need other ideas if possible. After factory reset the sounds is different to before, as if all gain is only about 20% of the real rig sound. I tried all settings, but nothing helped. If the noise problem is still there I can not say in the moment. I have to make videos and need the toaster working as soon as possible, so any ideas that might help ........ let me know, thanks!

  • Funny update: Without big hope I switched the profiler on, after the last night without current switched to the power cable, .........

    ..... in the moment it works as I am used to, seems normal ........ :)

    Will have it running while doing some work to check about the noise and sound problems ....... ! Fingers crossed!

    BTW: A real tube amp with these problems? Get some Caig Deoxit, bring it to the right points, (you have to know the right points) ...... and ofter this this fixes such problems as a wonder!