After 7.0.9 Update I can no longer see My Profiler in Rig Manager. To complicate matter I have just updated my computer from Windows 8.1 to 10. The profiler correctly updated an I have updated Rig manager. I am not sure what has happened. I hope someone has an idea. I have changed the usb cable to no avail. Changed the USB slot etc.. Al my profiles and performances remain unchange on the Kemper.

After 7.0.9 Update I can no longer see My Profiler in Rig Manager
silhouette -
September 30, 2019 at 6:41 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Have you tried reinstalling any USB drivers that the Kemper might have?
Have you tried reinstalling any USB drivers that the Kemper might have?
Thank you for your replies. I have the latest version of Windows 10. Which drivers are you talking about and where might I find them?
It says in the link I posted above.
Had a similar problem (although I´m on Win 10) and it helped to delete RM and new install...
(don´t forget to do a backup before, although it wasn´t necessary, since nothing was lost after all...)
Thanks. I did look in Devices and under Profiler it just said Driver not available with no ability to download. What next?
aehaem Thanks I will try that!
You can fine the driver in here:
C:>program files>kemper amps>driver
Do a back up of RM first - also check in the “add or remove programs” section that you do not have two versions of RM installed (yes it does happen).
I would uninstall ALL RM installs and then reboot the machine, then reinstall the latest RM version (did I mention back up RM...oh and back up RM before you start
Once installed see if the kemper connects and if not go to “device manager” and go to “universal serial bus controls” section with the kemper still attached via USB.
One of the USB connection should a have an error icon like a road sign with a “!” in it (I’m not near my kemper as it may say kemper, sorry I can’t recall).
Right click the one in question and select update driver. Select the one that says browse my computer for driver software and select the drive location above. There should only show one file to be used to update. Click that and it should update. Reboot and try again. Hopefully that should sort it.
Good luck.
aehaem. Thanks for the advice - that did the trick. I have to say I was a bit confused as there are quite a few changes. Great to see my Speaker Impulses now accessible. I originally did a direct update from Rig Manager. This time I downloaded from the Kemper site having backed up my content and uninstalled RM. The new version then synced with the Kemper which it had not done previously.
Thanks also to deej09 for going out of your way to give instructions.
aehaem. Thanks for the advice - that did the trick. I have to say I was a bit confused as there are quite a few changes. Great to see my Speaker Impulses now accessible. I originally did a direct update from Rig Manager. This time I downloaded from the Kemper site having backed up my content and uninstalled RM. The new version then synced with the Kemper which it had not done previously.
Thanks also to deej09 for going out of your way to give instructions.
No problem - a few have done reinstall and it still didn’t work. The usb part is a way around that.
Glad your sorted
I think the new Rig Manger is much improved.
Thank you!!