Ethernet cable falling out continually - anyone have this issue?

  • I've had my Kemper for 6 1/2 years, and only recently have I had cable issues connecting to the Remote. The cable (I've tried 4, even a brand new one from Kemper's American distributor in Colorado) just slips out, shutting power off to the Remote. I can push it back in and perhaps tape it to keep it in, but this sounds a bit of a pain and rather low tech. I have started a support ticket on this, but I'm not sure how responsive they might be in these hopefully last days of the editor, etc.. I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue, new to me, and might have a real fix.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • Yeah, this is a weakness... I bought a short network cable with an 90 degree angle pluck on one side and fixed it on the kemper head with an elastic strip (i had it, from old outdoor cloth).

    I simply wraped the head with the strip and It gives some pressure to the connection. I connect the short cable to a PoE injector and there I connect also the cable to the remote. No Problems since I started this workaround.

    The Kemper is in the rehearsal room, so i cannot take pictures currently...

  • Thanks guys. I think I'll try some gaffers tape. That's pretty strong and I have plenty of it. Problem is I'm moving it all the time between 2 practice studios and gigs, so I can't "fix it" more permanently. It's getting annoying, and interrupting my playing.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • No, it would just keep falling out. The gaffer's tape is working pretty well at the moment actually. I'm going to put it through its paces this weekend and see if I need that right angle thing. Thanks for finding it for me btw!!

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I have the same problem. I really take care to have the cable pass under the profiler so that it doesn't pull away from it in case there is a tiny pull on the cable. It's very fragile and really waiting for a catastrophe to happen (like when that cameraman fumbled into my cable and pulled out that UK power adapter right before my solo intro during an arena concert... tape your cables on the floor folks!)

  • Well I just heard back from Burkhard from my support ticket, thought I'd share the bad news;

    Unfortunately this means that the socket in PROFILER is broken and requires repair.

    Now is NOT a good time for me to buy a 2nd Profiler so this really sucks.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I think I'm really screwed now - during practice yesterday (the gaffer's tape worked fine throughout) my sound disappeared... twice! All lights stayed on and Remote switched fine... but only hazy background sounds of the actual preset could be heard.

    Nothing would revive it except a reboot. I wrote a support ticket, but of course I need it this weekend! I had to break down and order a new one and will pray my latest backup will restore properly on the new one. I guess it's like an old computer - they give out at some time (6 1/2 yrs in my case). Repair may follow, we'll see. Mighty bummed here though.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • I think I'm really screwed now - during practice yesterday (the gaffer's tape worked fine throughout) my sound disappeared... twice! All lights stayed on and Remote switched fine... but only hazy background sounds of the actual preset could be heard.

    Nothing would revive it except a reboot. I wrote a support ticket, but of course I need it this weekend! I had to break down and order a new one and will pray my latest backup will restore properly on the new one. I guess it's like an old computer - they give out at some time (6 1/2 yrs in my case). Repair may follow, we'll see. Mighty bummed here though.

    Best of luck Gary, I've become dependent on mine as well, as I bet many here have too.

  • Hi prsgary is it the lug on the RJ cable that has snapped of or the socket itself? If it’s the cable I always have these just in case.…=gateway&sr=8-4

    If it’s the socket then you need a repair. It should be simple repair for some local electronics firm. The part is relatively inexpensive. It is unusual for the socket to be the problem but hey wear and tear?

    Edited once, last by Deej09 (September 30, 2019 at 8:12 PM).

  • That’s a shame . Is that the case even when the remote cable isn’t connected (it may linked to the cable moving and shorting in some way).

    If that is the case dmatthews was on to something with this item.…69619204&sr=8-7

    A little radical but you could glue in the cable leaving the socket for use with you remote cable if that makes sense. It needs replacing in any case and may be worth a shot? I can’t help if the volume is cutting out to a general kemper fault..

    Hope you get sorted one way or another..

  • I had this problem - the remote cable would pull away and disconnect from my Profiler with just the slightest bit of movement. Not just annoying, really problematic when it happened mid-song.

    I contacted support, got the same reply: "Unfortunately this means that the socket in PROFILER is broken and requires repair."

    My unit was out of warranty, meaning when I sent it to the Nashville repair facility it cost me about $150 (with shipping) to fix. Took a bit more than a week round trip.

    Now it works fine, but the connection seems VERY fragile, and I take great care plugging and unplugging.

    I'm glad I had mine fixed, the repair cost and time without were a problem (I too had a couple gigs while it was away), but ultimately cheaper than buying a new unit. Plus, a new unit would have the same problem of a weak and poorly designed connector. If someone could come up with a way to install a robust connection that would stand the rigors of gig setup and teardown, I'd be all over it.