Ability to separate pre-amp and power amp or combine power amp and cabs

  • Ability to separate pre-amp and power amp or combine power amp and cabs

    This would offer much more accurate options for live rig . Having the ability to monitor pre amp only no power amp no cab simulation into a tube amp and real cabs on stage, sending front master the pre amp> power amp- cab instead of pre-amp power-amp >cab option.

  • Ability to separate pre-amp and power amp or combine power amp and cabs

    This would offer much more accurate options for live rig . Having the ability to monitor pre amp only no power amp no cab simulation into a tube amp and real cabs on stage, sending front master the pre amp> power amp- cab instead of pre-amp power-amp >cab option.

    I would love this as well!

    Especially with the new stage this would make a lot of sense.

  • Ability to separate pre-amp and power amp or combine power amp and cabs

    This would offer much more accurate options for live rig . Having the ability to monitor pre amp only no power amp no cab simulation into a tube amp and real cabs on stage, sending front master the pre amp> power amp- cab instead of pre-amp power-amp >cab option.

    I have good news for you.

    You can create a profile of a preamp. Read the manual. It describes the procedure required to create a preamp profile.

    Load the preamp profile and output the Kemper into a tube amp connected to a speaker cab. You have exactly what you want.

    However, you can't create a separate preamp profile and a separate power amp profile and load both into a single Kemper. You'd need two Kempers to do that.

    For example, say you wanted to create a profile of the Twin/Deluxe (T/DLX) module of the Synergy system and send it to a profile of a Mesa California Tweed power amp. The Mesa amp's section uses 6V6 tubes which can be set up in various ways.

    From the Mesa web site:


    The all-tube California Tweed is powered by 4x6V6 Power Tubes and our Multi-Watt™ Power Amp, featuring Duo-Class™ and Dyna-Watt™ technologies, provides five power levels, two operating-classes and three wiring options via a single 5-Way Rotary Switch!

    Obviously, you could create a profile of the Synergy T/DLX preamp module, load it into the Kemper, and feed the Kemper's output into the return of the California Tweed.

    But you'd still need to turn the switch to change the power amp's settings. That's not a good thing to try in mid performance.

    So let's say you create 5 profiles of the Cali Tweed's amp, each with a different switch setting. Again, that is perfectly possible.

    The issue is that a preamp profile is a rig. And so is a power amp profile. That's why to use both a preamp and a power amp profile, you'd need to use two Kempers connected in series.

  • So is anyone creating or selling a Mesa California Tweed profile? I would like to check it out if so.

  • I was thinking of gettin one too. But would like to hear it. Why not release / share them? Thats the beauty of the Kemper family . In my opinion, amp makers should create their own branded profiles and sell them. I have bought several hardware amps after playing with the software emulation of that amp. Including a Fender Tweed Deluxe from Universal Audio. I have also passed on buying a really heavy Fender Super Tweed from 1956. Weighs too much. But liked the sound. Found a Profile that was kind of close. Nothing to me is the same as a real amp. That said, Mark Knopfler band is now 100% Kemper. And he is a tone questing freak. Would like to have his profiles. So Celebrity profiles. :)


    From GuitarWorld article, “Mark’s long-serving guitar tech, Glenn Saggers along with Mark has devoted much of his time in the past six months to recreating Mark’s unique sounds [and] has done an amazing job. This switch from ‘real’ amps to digital devices is not for the faint-hearted and it wasn’t without its doubters. Now we are up and running and more than two weeks into the tour, we are all on board with them. They certainly allow for incredible separation in both in-ear monitors and front of house system. The sounds are amazingly responsive and malleable.”