Request for advice: FRFR active monitor or CAB what sounds better in rehearsal room or on stage?

  • Hi,

    I know this has been discussed before but my question is a bit more specific and I need to hear from experiences from others.

    Currently I'm running my powerrack through a ENGL Pro 4x12 with V30's.
    I was just considering switching over to a HeadRush FRFR-112 (because of sound, size and weight) but before doing so I need to know the answer to the following questions:

    • Will the Headrush go as loud as the cab?
      We play metal and we're playing really loud both on stage as well in the rehearsal room.
      I'm afraid it won't get as loud since a monitor only has one or two speakers instead of four in case of a 4x12
      Am I right?
    • Will a FRFR active monitor (so 20-20000hz) cut through a band mix as good as a cab can?
      A guitar cab has just tones in the midrange and I'm affraid with FRFR it's more difficult to stand out when playing loud even in a rehearsalroom
    • When playing both FOH and FRFR on stage I would set Monitor Out and Direct Out to Master Left and Master Right.
      But do I need to switch off the poweramp as well? (because I want to use Monitor Out for FRFR)

    Thanks in advance for answering.

  • Hi and sorry for not being of great help here. Actually I have exactly the same questions. I own the ENGL Pro 4x12/V30 as well. It's a monster (you need good friends to carry it from stage to stage for you) but sounds so well....

    Nevertheless I am looking into FRFR pieces as well to be more versatile and to have great sound with lower volume as well. The key questions remains: Can it cut through as the ENGL monster does it?

    Most people will probably confirm but I feel that there is no way around trying it out for myself...

  • Dunno if I can asnwer to all of your questions but ill try.

    1) I dont own heardush, but i seriously doubt that it will ever be as loud as your 4x12 will be.

    2) Maybe two headrush might cut through if you raise them on poles.

    3). You dont need poweramp with active speaker so yes turn off poweramp.

    Im in similar situation with you. And what i would suggest that you either get decent FRFR maybe Friedman ASC-12 or IEM:s and headrush.

    I just got IEM:s and im just about to order headrush. Im pretty sure that will IEM:s it will be okay. But probably not without.

  • Thanks for the responses, I appreciate that.

    However, I think the only ones who know are the ones who actually did the switchover.
    Hopefully we can get some more insights from experience.

    I just can't afford to loose power in the mix but at the other hand would like to have less weight to carry around.

  • Also consider that frfr's disperse sound at a much wider angle than guitar speakers, which are like a straight beam. You'll hear yourself clearer over a wider angle where as a guitar speaker gets muddy if you're not directly in front of it.

    This is a shootout of different frfr's including the Headrush:

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  • Expand above quote for embedded answers....

    I used to use FRFR (Atomic CLR) but i now have a matrix power amp for my non powered rack into an avatar cab on stage. I also use a shure psm 900 IEM.

    Why did I switch from FRFR to a cab - it “feels better”. And I think it may “sound” better for those venues where the crowd catches a significant amount of stage wash - my opinion and certainly open for debate.