previewing effects presets RM 2.3

  • Hi

    I updated one Kemper to latest OS and also the latest RM and whilst I havent had much time to play around with it I'm not seeing any major issues in either.

    However whilst I can see the factory effects presets clicking on them in RM doesnt change anything for me on the rack

    I know the unit and RM are communicating as profile selection from RM works fine.

    I had asumed that clicking the effects preset would just send that block to the unit whilst keeping the amp static?

  • My mistake - I had seen the drag and drop in the Namm video of the editor and assumed this was a stepping stone to the final functionality of the integrated RM/editor,

    Anyway at least now I know nothing is broken


  • I'm fairly certain that you can copy/paste from the library into your KPA, but that's not a preview, it just makes it available for selection at this point.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • My mistake - I had seen the drag and drop in the Namm video of the editor and assumed this was a stepping stone to the final functionality of the integrated RM/editor,

    no, nothing is broke. you will be able to drag and drop effects presets from the list to a slot in version 3.0. the reason why Rig Manager 2.3.2 has this at all is that you probably want to import/export/backup effect presets.

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