Reverb slot led green lights went missing...

  • Hi guys,

    I wonder if someone can help me with this.

    I just changed profile with the remote, I am not sure if I pressed two switches on the same time, but since then the double led light assigned to the reverb slot on the profiler has disappeared, and on the remote instead of lighting up the led on the left side of the switch is lighting up the light on the right side. Do you guys have any clue how to put that back to how it was before??

    Thank you in advance kemper community,


  • The assignments of the Effect Buttons I-IIII are different by Rig and stored with each Rig. So, generally, if you load another Rig it's normal, that the assignments as well as color and status of the LED could change.

    Exception is, if you lock the assigned module e. g. module REV. Then the assigned Effect Buttons is locked as well. However, this only works with one assignment. If you assign multiple modules to the same Effect Button and then lock all or some of the assigned modules, the assignments get ignored during a Rig change.

    If you face a situation where the left LEDs of an Effect Button are off, while the right LEDs indicate an assignment, this might indicate a "ghost" assignment. This happens if you have an assignment and later set the assigned module to empty. In that case the assignment is not always cleaned up correctly. So, there still sits an assignment to an empty module. You can overcome this situation by entering Rig Settings, navigate to the last page, clear the assignment of that Effect Button or all Effect Buttons within that Rig, and reenter the assignments from scratch and store the Rig.