Reverb catagorization

  • Late to the party to be sure, but I intentionally waited for a while on 6.0 to let everything shake out. Just performed the update today, and everything went smoothly.

    After playing with the new reverbs, they seem to fall into two basic categories - reverbs, and reverb + very noticeable effects. While I may find a use for the latter someday, I don't do a lot of ambient guitar stuff. That said, the reverbs themselves sound great, and I'm looking forward to working with them.

    As I browse through all the presets, the effects orient ones are mixed in with the regular room / plate / spring reverbs and just sorted by name. I was wondering if there was some sort of organizational tool or trick you guys use that would let me arrange all the non-effects reverbs together so that the choices for the things I'm currently interested in using are all together instead of interleaved with the effects oriented ones.

    Is there a way to do this sort of thing?

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Well you could upgrade to the OS7 beta which has the organizational tools in there, but given that you haven't upgraded to 6 until now then the only other thing I can think of is just rename the presets and delete the originals perhaps to control the order.

  • I just delete any effects presets that I don't need, or tweak and save them with a number in front. Anything starting with a 1 is a standard subtle one that I use all the time. Anything with a 2 is a more in your face effect, and the rest are the wild full-on ones that I rarely need to find.

    The new effect UI will make it way easier, but I'm waiting until the editor lands before redesigning my set-up.

  • Anything starting with a 1 is a standard subtle one that I use all the time. Anything with a 2 is a more in your face effect, and the rest are the wild full-on ones that I rarely need to find.

    That's a pretty sensible approach, and I've been known to do the same sort of thing with file naming in Windows . "Help, I have too many options" is a pretty nice place to be.

    In auditioning the reverbs today, the large plate turned out to be perfect for a Tele / bluesy thing I've been tinkering with for months but just couldn't quite get. In one of those serendipitous moments, I had thrown on the first low gain 3rd Power amp in my list just to get a clean tone for the 'verbs. Got to the large plate and realized both the amp and reverb were exactly the sound I'd been looking for. Apparently the song is tired of me screwing around and is ready to be finished. Sometimes it happens that way.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10