FOH mixer settings vs my Kemper eq settings

  • Hi, question this is a pic of our FOH main eq mixer setting at a gig last night (six piece band 2 guitars keys drum and bass and vocals) . I`ve got the idea that this setting can have a negativ impact on my profiles. (esspecially on my lead sounds, not cutting well this gig) I eq my profiles to sit in the mix well. The eq for my sounds on the FOH mixer are flat, only low cut.

    What is the best way to counter this, put an (locked) grahic eq in the kemper to counter main FOH eq mix settings on the fly? (I can see the main FOH mixer setting on my Ipad).


  • Those look like narrow cuts to tune the PA to the room. It’s perfectly normal and required to stop feedback and acoustic problems in the room. You shouldn’t need to do anything just trust the sound guy.

    Exactly. My first thought looking at those bands was that the engineer was trying to notch out resonant frequencies with floor, walls, etc... At some point you need to trust that the sound guy knows his room better than you do. That's not ALWAYS the case, but, in general, I think it happens more often than not. If you use a wireless setup, I'd walk around out where the crowd will be during soundcheck to try to get a sense of what your overall audio experience is through the house sound system. Ideally, you'd have someone messing around with your Kemper's EQ while you give them the thumbs up or down. Sometimes just a subtle adjustment with a parametric EQ can make all the difference in avoiding nasty resonances and attaining a better "cut through the mix" tone for a specific instrument. If you can't personally walk out there, yourself, have another band member (like the drummer) walk out there and listen critically while you and the bassist and keyboardist/horns/whatever instruments share your guitar's bandwidth, , play. That assumes your drummer can tell good sound from a hole in the ground. :) Hope that helps. There's a whole lot of science in audio, but sometimes it requires a bit of a artistic touch to paint the soundscape that you are looking for, particularly if your venue changes on a nightly basis.

    Shred 'til yer dead,

    Jeff in Houston

  • Of course there are good soundguys and bad soundguys.

    But it never makes sense to fight them.

    I like to think the soundguy or gal is a part of the team now, work with them to make the best show you can. If you really need to, have someone else play your instrument for a bit and go have a listen, but just don't be silly, make friends along the way.