Rig Manager Improvements

  • 1. To be able to filter include/exclude by the 'favorite' column.

    We can filter rigs by gain levels using + up to ++++++++++, and * for rating levels, but there is no way of filtering favorites. I have to use the comments column to type in favorite, and then filter on that.

    2. Add 'not containing the search string' to the search filter 'display results' list

    We already have 'containing the search string', surely we need 'not containing the search string' as well, I could have used that many times.

    3. General Rig Manager annoyances

    a) Dragging a rig to a folder without care, all sorts of other folders open up and you're intended folder disappears off the screen. you have to then carefully navigate the mouse back to original folder so as to not put contents into some other folder.

    b) Cannot drag a folder to a new location. Have to setup a new folder with the same name and then drag contents and then delete the old folder

    c) columns always wrong width hiding info

    columns always default width for new folders. all my previous column showing + resizing has to be done again and again

    d) Displaying a folder doesn't not show contents of sub folders

    e) Attempts to delete rigs in the profiler via rig manager results in damaged rigs and/or adding back of deleted rigs. I have to then manually delete them in the profiler as well. solution is to never delete a profiler rig in rig manager.

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper

  • Just click on the favorite column to change the sort order. Your favorites will be on the top (or bottom, depending on sort order)

    I realized I can do that but when I've already got it in the order I want I want to filter further like you can with gain or ratings. It was supposed to be an improvement request, not a cry for help.:)

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper

  • Its all being re-written and due out in a few months so might solve these :)

    Ah, I didn't realize that, so that might solve a few other problems as well, that I haven't mentioned.:)

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper