Has anybody changed the remote to silent switches?

  • I'm just wondering if anybody has attempted to replace the switches on the remote with others that offer silent switching? While I'm not unhappy with the standard switches for general functions like rig selections and stomps I also use the buttons in momentary mode using morphing option for things like pitch shifting with a set rise and fall time. The loud click of the standard switches can get really annoying hence the consideration to fit some nicer switches.

    Interested if anybody has tried something similar.

  • Certainly in the environments i work in, the sound of clicks is negligible compared to on-stage noise.

    Maybe in a studio its different in which case you could consider automating the switching via midi or record your parts separately for each rig. Having said that, with di recording parts the ambient noise is irrelevant.

    Can you clarify why this annoys you?

    Is is really worth voiding a warranty for the sake of a little click?

  • I wish I could rehouse mine to accommodate my massive feet. For me, the switches are just a few centimetres too close together, making stomping on the wrong switch or more than one at once a possibility in the heat of an energetic gig...