My name came up on the axe wait list

  • Mine came up a couple of months ago, much sooner than expected. I put it off and then the KPA appeared while I was researching whether I really wanted the AxeFX2. Lucky for me! 8o

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I had Axe Ultra earlier, then I decided to upgrade ot Axe-FX II. I cancelled my Axe-FX order few months ago after waiting over six months, I simply got tired of waiting.

    Two things happened. I heard about KPA and I got a note from G66 that my AxeII was ready for shipping. Obviously, for some reason, my earlier cancellation had no effect. Well, I decided to sell Ultra and take both AxeII and KPA in for comparison.

    I spent two weeks with both devices, and both gave me very good results. However, with my single coil guitars (my main axes, Tele & Strat) there was no doubt - KPA was able to bring dynamics and clean/crunch sounds that I wanted - with minor tweaking and buzz.. I sold my AxeII and here I am now with my modeling gear, the only one - realer than real! ;)

  • haha same with me. My name came up and I passed. I don't see how I could ever buy one. There's just no comparison. I really like the fact that you don't have to sign a waiting list to get a discount... I always thought that was shady.

  • I had a standard but even with the 2, I can just hear its signature soud and over time it has grown to irritate me a bit. Not that there isnt good stuff floating around. But nothing that has really impressed me. Sounds like it sounds. I personally don't need all it offers so I really feel like the Kemper is better for me not only in sound but form. Well besides going back and forth on the USB stick. That gets annoying

  • I just got my coupon today...will pass on it because I hate tweaking. I had a standard and couldn't get along with it because I am just not a tweaker I want to just plug in and jam out and kpa lets me achieve that goal much easier.

  • My first axe 2 arrived the same week as the kemper, back in december. After about 10 days I kept the Kemper and sent the axe2 back.
    In March an axe2 came up on ebay at a good price. After hearing all the great reports about the new firmware 5 I thought I would give it another shot. Sold it on ebay a couple of weeks later.
    Im no newb to the axefx having owned a standard and an ultra.
    The axe2 just isn't that much of an improvement IMHO.
    My KPA on the other hand just keeps getting better every time I make or download a great profile.

  • I thought I was like 2700 To but now it said 2999. Must of raised the price. That is very expensive. Guess cliff has to make up for the work implementing tone match etc.

  • LOL... Everybody feel better now after the beatings?

    I'm still baffled as to why people feel the need to insult the "opposition" AFTER they have made a choice to buy something. Is it confirmation bias at work?

    "AssFx"..? Really? How old are you?

    Full disclosure, I bought an Axe-FX II for $2200. Is it perfect? No. I also thought about buying a Kemper. Is it perfect? No. In fact I worked with someone at a studio here in LA and we both thought that both the AXE and the Kemper were excellent, but recorded the final tracks with real amplifiers.

    If I do buy a Kemper that last thing I'll do is post ANYTHING that doesn't totally flatter it, as witnessed by what happens here, even if you are a working professional with decades of experience and are even only slightly critical of it. I thought the Fractal forum was a bit much, but as we all know, the Kemper, and this forum beats Fractal.

    Thanks, I feel better too.

    I may still buy a Kemper. Or I may sell my Fractal, and forget the Kemper too, and start buying real amps again.

    Ok, I'm ready, let the beatings continue.

  • Where exactly is the problem?
    I for my part just stated the facts. My name came up on the Axe2 list and after actually having heard the KPA in person, there was no need for me to get something else (especially, when that something else is more expensive) - wether that being the Axe2, 11Rack (which I was also considering), DT25 or whatever...
    Doesn't make me feel better or worse. It's just a fact.

    Btw, I don't think you are right.
    I am one who contributes a lot to the functionality of the KPA. Most of this goes on behind the curtain though.
    Yet, I am the first to admit it is far from perfect. And I get really annoyed at bugs and usually report them right away... and I'm glad if people express their issues and critique. After all, if we all thought the KPA was perfect as is... there would be stagnation on development.
    So, I don't have a prob with people coming here and criticising the KPA - as long as they don't do it for the sake of doing it ;)