You Don't Like Your New Kemper? READ THIS

  • I dad the opposite experience initially. I just found EVERYTHING sounded amazing ? my initial time with the KPA was spent like - pick a profile (any profile) and play with it all night. Next day pick a different profile and enjoy it for hours repeat for months ?

    One suggestion for learning the controls though - some of the settings such at tube shape or sag can be quite subtle. We all have a tendency to listen with out eyes too so we can convince ourselves we are hearing a change based on the number on the display ( likely to be an even bigger problem with a vision on screen editor ?) rather than using our ears. My solution to this is to use Morph and an expression pedal. Choose a parameter you want to experiment with and assign the heel position base state one extreme and the toe down state to the other extreme. Now just close your eyes and play. Move the pedal WHILE playing and really listen for any changes.

    Once really comfortable with that one parameter reset morph and linke to something else. You can even experiment with two or more changes simultaneously. E.g. what happens when reducing sag and increasing shape instead etc.

  • Great Post.

    When I first got my Kemper I was changing rigs almost every week, looking for "that sound". I finally went back to the one of the first MB Marshall profiles I tweaked to my liking and realized I had a great tone for my setup.

    I also found it helpful to tweak my profiles to our PA. After practice I would stay with our sound guy and really dial in the sound. That made a world of difference hearing it that way VS my studio monitors ( i run direct to FOH with no cabinet and use IEM for stage)

    this is the real deal,, if you do this, you will be happy,, Thanks great post

  • It's a profiler, so will only sound as good as the profiles. Some may have to try quite a few to find at least one they can use.

    It's digital gear and not a tube amp. Many get upset when this simple fact is pointed out, and are willing to fight to the death over it. It can be a great digital representation of a tube amp, I would say the best available today. But its still digital. So it may not satisfy some.

  • Quote

    It's a profiler, so will only sound as good as the profiles.

    Thats kinda like saying "its gold", so it's only worth so much an ounce. ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • Thanks for this amigo i really needed this. I've been on and off with my kemper for the past couple of years and really bummed out and had almost given up and sold her. I'm now taking it back to the basics and really learning how to "properly" dial in a tone and not relying so much on celebrity kemper bundles that never work as advertised anyway.

    Thanks again dude!

  • I learned fairly early on that the dynamic, rich, and awesome tone you get practicing alone in your home is NOT the tone the audience will ever get to hear, unless you invite each one separately for a back-studio pass. Which is a wonderful idea if that audience member is cute! :P

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • I learned fairly early on that the dynamic, rich, and awesome tone you get practicing alone in your home is NOT the tone the audience will ever get to hear, unless you invite each one separately for a back-studio pass. Which is a wonderful idea if that audience member is cute! :P

    In times like this that is not a very bad idea. You girls come along with me. All you boys go the to left to bass player. He sucks anyway like the most bass player does. ^^

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau