• Interesting new product:

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    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Looks and sounds amazing. Great concept and design. Problem for me is the price...$3099. I read that somewhere. I mean Suhr makes great stuff. I own a PT100se. But the price is pretty high.


    Kemper toaster >Kemper remote> 2 x Alto TS310 powered speakers Furman M-8XAR

  • This amp seems like the perfect amp to have. If you think of the cost of a boutique amp, plus a reactive load attenuator, plus an IR loader the cost isn't that far off. The cost is a lot all at once. I want it, but I'll need a minute to gather up the funds. It probably won't every happen only because I have stuff I like a lot already. I just like the technology that is in there.