Are Mids 1 & Mids 2 (Studio Equalizer) individually considered upper & lower mids (vice versa)?

  • I can obviously hear what’s happening with each as I tweak them, but are “mids 1” and “mids 2” found in Studio Equalizer considered individually as upper and lower (or vice versa) mids. It would help to know visually/mentally.

    Mids are a @&$#% to work with. Haha!


    - Robert

    Quick side note: Is there a way (on Ipad) to quickly jump to a page in the online Main Manual?

    or is it swipe city?

    Edited once, last by xxtwighlight (March 30, 2019 at 9:00 PM).

  • I will answer on the iPad , others can answer your EQ ?

    At the bottom of the screen you will see all the pages so you can select one there if you want. Or what I do is use the bottom pages to go to the main index pages at the start of the manual and then touch to select the directory menu of the section you want and you will go there.

    Edit; if the pages are not visible at the bottom of the screen, touch the iPad screen

    You could also use the search tool and type in the page number or search word.

    Note: I use iBooks to open the manual

  • Thanx

    I didn’t see any pages at the bottom of the screen, nor did I find a search box.

    I was able to touch a subject in the table of contents. I just need to figure out how to quickly

    jump back up to the top again.

    I’m using an Ipad mini 3.

    I tried holding it both vertical and horizontal as sometimes hidden things will appear, but no luck.

    Is there anything found in Ipad “settings” that may not be enabled?

    Thanx for your help.

  • Mids 1 and 2 are whatever you want them to be ^^

    What I mean is they have a sweepable frequency but both cover the same range. So, you can have mids 1 covering a higher or lower range than mid 2. Lets say you start trying to tweak a specific frequency with mids 1 and once you are happy with that realise that there is another issue in a lower frequency. If the two were fixed in use you would need to copy the settings from mid 1 to mid 2 in order to be able to work on the second issue. However, due to the way the eq is designed you simply sweep mids 2 down below 1 and keep tweak. It works the opposite way round to.

  • This is what my screen looks like. You can see the search on the top right and pages at bottom. You can also touch the button beside the Library menu and it will bring up a small version of each page where you can choose easier.