Reverb Impulse Responses

  • I know we can use Cabinet Impulses, I've created some of my own and paired them with my amp profiles, effectively THOROUGHLY reproducing my rig.

    However, is it possible to use Reverb Impulses? Does it work the same way?

    Thanks in advance! 8)

  • I know we can use Cabinet Impulses, I've created some of my own and paired them with my amp profiles, effectively THOROUGHLY reproducing my rig.

    However, is it possible to use Reverb Impulses? Does it work the same way?

    Thanks in advance! 8)

    No, this is not possible as the impulse responses needed to give you a thorough room information (as used in reverbs) are much longer than the ones needed for a cab.

  • I need to know how to do a REAL factory reset that will make my Kemper seem like I'm just now taking it out of the box for the first time..

    Meaning I don't just wanna blank all the settings ... I also want it to retrieve all factory presets and nothing more.

    I did the "start while holding soft button 1" thing but all it did was erase everything... it did a full reset but restored no presets.

    This is not alarming as I did make a backup on an USB stick before hand.

    But I do not understand why the reset would not put back the initial Factory presets when in the menu it says that is what is gonna do.

    This is rude to come here in the middle of another thread and disregard the post to start YOUR own thread in the middle of a conversation. Yes thats rude. So have manner s and start your own thread from scratch next time

  • This is rude to come here in the middle of another thread and disregard the post to start YOUR own thread in the middle of a conversation. Yes thats rude. So have manner s and start your own thread from scratch next time

    Relax and mature a little.... This is a very insignificant thing.. and something that happens when someone like me who is new here does not know how this work. Learn to live among your less than perfect fellow humans.

    Stop tweaking and get practicing!

  • austriarock - this should probably be it's own thread as opposed to highjacking a thread that's about something totally unrelated.

    Also: Complete Factory Restore of Kemper?

    There's no highjacking here man.... it's a simple mistake of someone who is new... keep nice and remember that not everyone is a pro at this. Obviously it wouldn't have been my choice to do this on purpose since it doesn't get me any help with the issue I had. Now I know how things work.. relax a bit.

    Stop tweaking and get practicing!

    Edited once, last by austriarock (March 7, 2019 at 10:35 PM).

  • Your response is an insult... you do not have to start by saying "If you are able to read".. if you had better things going on in your life you would not spend the time here to write such comment.

    I've taken a snapshot of your response and I will report you if you insist in even massaging back.

    Obviously I did read the manual and that did not yield results because I did the procedure indicated there but there is a bug in the system that although reports the process of blanking and adding factory presets was "successful" it actually does not do it.

    The team now has contacted me and acknowledges this so your rudeness and lack of expertise is not needed.

    Stay away.

    Stop tweaking and get practicing!

    Edited once, last by austriarock (March 7, 2019 at 10:47 PM).

  • Your response is an insult... you do not have to start by saying "If you are able to read".. if you had better things going on in your life you would not spend the time here to write such comment.

    I've taken a snapshot of your response and I will report you if you insist in even massaging back.

    Obviously I did read the manual and that did not yield results because I did the procedure indicated there but there is a bug in the system that although reports the process of blanking and adding factory presets was "successful" it actually does not do it.

    The team now has contacted me and acknowledges this so your rudeness and lack of expertise is not needed.

    Stay away.

    Ok man, you are the one to make my day!


  • There's no highjacking here man.... it's a simple mistake of someone who is new... keep nice and remember that not everyone is a pro at this. Obviously it wouldn't have been my choice to do this on purpose since it doesn't get me any help with the issue I had. Now I know how things work.. relax a bit.

    There was no rudeness in my post, by the way. I'm sorry you interpreted it that way. The fact remains that you hijacked the thread. That's what it's called when you post a totally unrelated question to a thread on a forum. This is most assuredly a hijacked thread.

    When a person starts a posting on a message board, or forum, or Facebook, that others are able to comment on, that original posting and the comments on it are called a thread. A thread hijacking occurs when one or more individuals commenting on the original posting, go off topic, creating a separate conversation. This is rude, and bad internet etiquette. If people want to discuss a different topic, they should start their own thread.

    Aside from it being bad forum etiquette - and really, it's 2019 - this isn't new - it's bad 'marketing' - you would have gotten a better answer, and your problem - and the solution would be easily searched.

    I try to be as helpful as possible here- well everywhere- but I think for this case, I'm out.

    Before I go- you should *really* proof read your posts for intent and sentiment.

    Good luck with your issue.

    KPA Unpowered Rack, Kemper Remote, Headrush FRFR108s, BC Rich Mockingbird(s), and a nasty attitude.

  • Sorry guys.. I'm new at being in forums.. for those who can understand that.. I really do appreciate it.

    You can see on my profile that I'm labeled a "beginner"..... There was no ill intention from my part and I pride myself of having good etiquette in everything I do. Lesson learned I guess..

    You all have a good night.

    Stop tweaking and get practicing!