How do I get rid of latency between two Kempers?

  • which method are you using to send the MIDI data to the second PROFILER? UItoMIDI or the Performance MIDI program change per slot method? Or are both methods being used at the same time?

    Hi hjscheffler,

    Right now the way I'm trying to use it is to have Kemper 1 tell Kemper 2 to change to the same performance and slot that #1 changes to. So in my example that I sent to you, both Kempers are 100% identical in terms of slots, performances, rigs, effects, system settings, etc. What I'd like to do is to be able to step on Performance 1, Slot 3 on my Kemper footswitch and have both Kempers change to that rig.

    The other thing I'd like to do (if possible) is to be able to load a different rig into Performance 1, Slot 3 on Kemper #2 so that I can have 2 different sounding rigs run through the PA when I step on that. But then in some cases, be able to step on (for example), Performance 1, Slot 1, in which both Kempers will be running the exact same rig.

    The way I currently have it hooked up is a MIDI cable going from the MIDI out of Kemper 1 to the MIDI in of Kemper 2. On Kemper 1, I have the UI box checked in system settings. Constant Latency is checked on both.

    If I check uncheck the UI box, and then step on a footswitch, it won't change Kemper #2 to that particular slot.

  • Try to disable ui to midi.

    Then you have to go to each performance on kemper 1 amd on each slot you have to set midi pc change .

    For the 1 slot in 1 performance it will be PC 1

    For slot 2 PC 2 ....

    For performance 2 and slot 1 it will be PC 6

    To edit this you have to hit soft button 1 on each slot then soft button 4 (slot settings) than again soft button 1 (midi settings) .

    Then set Midi device A to prgChange and set prg number(PC).

    Go to system settings and make sure that Midi Out option is selected for Midi Device A.

  • Thanks. I'll give that a try. I was hoping it'd be a little less involved because right now, it switches to the correct slot using UI, it's just a little too slow for live use.

    So basically, you're suggesting the PC change that I'd be sending for each slot is just numbered PC1 through 5 in performance one, 6-10 in performance two, 11-15 in performance three and so on, correct?

  • So basically, you're suggesting the PC change that I'd be sending for each slot is just numbered PC1 through 5 in performance one, 6-10 in performance two, 11-15 in performance three and so on, correct?

    Basically yes , if you want to switch both KPA's 1 to 1 . But it's up to you. You may want to combine Performance 1 on KPA1 with Performance 3 from KPA2 .

  • Basically yes , if you want to switch both KPA's 1 to 1 . But it's up to you. You may want to combine Performance 1 on KPA1 with Performance 3 from KPA2 .

    Okay, I’m confused again. So what are you saying is the best way to set it up if all I want to do is to make KP1 and KPA2 mirror each other and change to the same performance and slots? Should I be using PC for that? Or is PC just for if I want to combine different performances and slots?

    For now, I just want them to mirror each other, and it have a noticeable delay when switching between KPA1 and 2.

  • Okay, I’m confused again. So what are you saying is the best way to set it up if all I want to do is to make KP1 and KPA2 mirror each other and change to the same performance and slots? Should I be using PC for that? Or is PC just for if I want to combine different performances and slots?

    For now, I just want them to mirror each other, and it have a noticeable delay when switching between KPA1 and 2.

    So if you want to mirror set PC on KPA 1 , exactly like you described it here:

    So basically, you're suggesting the PC change that I'd be sending for each slot is just numbered PC1 through 5 in performance one, 6-10 in performance two, 11-15 in performance three and so on, correct?

    and disable UI to MIDI on both, Set on both constant latency.

    How do I get rid of latency between two Kempers?

  • So if you want to mirror set PC on KPA 1 , exactly like you described it here:

    and disable UI to MIDI on both, Set on both constant latency.

    How do I get rid of latency between two Kempers?

    One last question. If I use PC commands to change the Kempers, will it also do the same for effect stomps? For example, let’s say I step on performance 2, slot 1 on Kemper one and I have a PC command telling Kemper 2 to also go to performance 2, slot 1. If I step on a stomp to turn on my delay on Kemper 1, assuming Kemper 2 has the same delay settings, will that automatically come on as well? That’s what I need. Same with a wah. If I activate the wah on Kemper 1, I need it to do the exact same thing for Kemper 2 so that the effect doesn’t get washed out in the mix. I basically want both Kempers to do the exact same thing at the same time.

  • One last question. If I use PC commands to change the Kempers, will it also do the same for effect stomps? For example, let’s say I step on performance 2, slot 1 on Kemper one and I have a PC command telling Kemper 2 to also go to performance 2, slot 1. If I step on a stomp to turn on my delay on Kemper 1, assuming Kemper 2 has the same delay settings, will that automatically come on as well? That’s what I need. Same with a wah. If I activate the wah on Kemper 1, I need it to do the exact same thing for Kemper 2 so that the effect doesn’t get washed out in the mix. I basically want both Kempers to do the exact same thing at the same time.

    You're right. It might be a problem. Maybe UI to MIDI should have a higher priority and work with less delay(feature request) because it's the only option to achieve what you want.

    The only solution at the moment is to use a MIDI controller and a splitter instead of a Remote.

  • I do not understand the benefit of running two Profilers at the same time with the exact same settings other than in a backup situation where both units are never sounding simultaneously but exclusively.

    If you want to combine two PROFILERs into a two amp stack setup you should use the PC and Pedal to MIDI features. The later will ensure that the pedal movements on the first PROFILER will be passed on to the second one.

  • I do not understand the benefit of running two Profilers at the same time with the exact same settings other than in a backup situation where both units are never sounding simultaneously but exclusively.

    If you want to combine two PROFILERs into a two amp stack setup you should use the PC and Pedal to MIDI features. The later will ensure that the pedal movements on the first PROFILER will be passed on to the second one.

    I think OhG want to have two setups with the same Fx's but different aps and cabs on two profilers(dual AMP) . Does Pedal to MIDI include FX on/off midi commands?

  • I do not understand the benefit of running two Profilers at the same time with the exact same settings other than in a backup situation where both units are never sounding simultaneously but exclusively.

    If you want to combine two PROFILERs into a two amp stack setup you should use the PC and Pedal to MIDI features. The later will ensure that the pedal movements on the first PROFILER will be passed on to the second one.

    I was thinking of running a TC Mimiq pedal in front of both of them. One stereo output of the Mimiq to one Kemper and the other output to the other Kemper. This way, I’d get the benefit of the Mimiq, and still be able to control the amps and effects.

    The other option would be to get rid of the Mimiq all together and use two Kempers for the purpose of combining two different rigs. But I’d want to be able to have the same effects on each. For example, if I had stereo delay on one, I’d want that same delay on the other so that the delays aren’t interfering with each other or going off time. Same with the wah. If I activate the wah on Kemper 1, I’d want it to instantly activate on Kemper 2, because otherwise the wah effect is just going to get drowned out in the PA by Kemper 2.

    At this point, I guess all I really need to know is, what is the best option to connect the Kempers to run 2 different rigs at the same time, while also making sure that when I step on my Kemper Footswitch to go to a new rig, they both change instantly as opposed to the delay that I encountered using the MIDI UI connection (posted earlier in this thread). And as I mentioned, ideally, I’d be able to control my effects on both from the footswitch as well (i.e. if I step on the button to turn on delay from one Kemper, it also turns on the delay of the 2nd Kemper).

  • And as I mentioned, ideally, I’d be able to control my effects on both from the footswitch as well (i.e. if I step on the button to turn on delay from one Kemper, it also turns on the delay of the 2nd Kemper).

    for this application you should follow Damiens advice and get an external MIDI controller to control 2 PROFILERs.

  • I am sorry, I was not following very closely but are back to using an actual MIDI controller and going MIDI Thru to the 2nd Kemper?

    If yes, I would suggest basically starting with identical Kemper configs. (Backup 1, restore to 2.) Then switch out the amps / cabs of the performances on the 2nd Kemper to your liking while keeping the stomps.

    Then if you do not have an external MIDI controller, you could try from just a laptop, if you are on Windows, MIDIOX works great, you'll just need a USB - MIDI cable.

    Edit: I just saw that someone posted a screenshot of Ctrlr. That looks pretty good too, and a bit more modern than the perfectly working but 8 year old Midiox :)

    Edited once, last by ToneDeaf (March 17, 2019 at 11:48 AM).

  • for this application you should follow Damiens advice and get an external MIDI controller to control 2 PROFILERs.

    I am half way there. I have a Kemper and an RJM Mastermind GT10. Just need the second Kemper. Looking for pennies in the couch.

    use two Kempers for the purpose of combining two different rigs.

    It sounds like you want to run the two Kempers in parallel, with separate rigs, the same effects, and separate outputs for each.

    I want to run two Kempers in series. The first will have a Direct Amp Profile of a preamp. I will use my Apollo as an effects unit between the two Kempers. The second Kemper will have a power amp profile in its tone stack. The power amp profile will either be Direct Amp Profile or a merged profile. I will have a solid state amp connected to the second profiler's output. If I use a DAP, I will connect a standard guitar cab, or a Kemper Kabinet when it becomes available. If I use a power amp profile merged with a speaker cab from a Studio profile, I will use a FRFR cab.

    I also want to do something similar in parallel. For example,I want a clean Fender Bassman profile on one Kemper and a Mesa Triple Rectifier on the second one. Yes, you could place effects in the same Kemper slots on both rigs. I might do that. But since I have the Apollo, I want to take advantage of the UAD plugins I own. So I will interface it with both Kempers.

    I will use the MMGT10 to switch between or balance the two Apollos as a stereo rig with an expression pedal. Since the MMGT has excellent integration with the Kemper I might also mix and match profiles in the two tone stacks, with instant access to any set I want.