[RiF] Grand Opening: DR, 30th and KittyJr profile packs

  • Today, I have opened my site where I am offering my Kemper profiles:

    RiF's PLACE: http://www.rifsplace.com

    The first profiles are up there, all for € 10 each. Paypal and instant automatic delivery:

    • RiF-DR:
      Seeking to re-create the sound of a Dual Rectifier from about 2000 with a Rectifier 4x12 V30/T75 cabinet.
      Several drive pedals were profiled as well (e.g. OD808, 1984 SD-1, 1994 MT-2, 1991 DS-1, Big Muff Pi).
      All modes covered: Modern, Raw, Pushed, Vintage and Clean. 114 Studio Profiles.
      Link to product page with audio and images: http://www.rifsplace.com/dr.
    • RiF-30th:
      Seeking to re-create the sound of a Marshall 30th Anniversary from 1993 with a Kitty Hawk 4x12 Creamback/Greenback/V30 cabinet.
      Several drive pedals were profiled as well (e.g. OD808, SD-1, MT-2, DS-1, Big Muff Pi).
      All modes/channels covered: Lead, Crunch A/B/C, Clean. 71 Studio Profiles.
      Link to product page with audio and images: http://www.rifsplace.com/30th
    • RiF-KittyJr:
      Seeking to re-create the sound of a Kitty Hawk Junior Combo from 1984 with Kitty Hawk 4x12 Creamback/Greenback/V30 cabinet.
      Several drive pedals were profiled as well (e.g. OD808, SD-1, MT-2, DS-1, Big Muff Pi).
      Both inputs covered: Overdrive and Normal. 68 Studio Profiles.
      Link to product page with audio and images: http://www.rifsplace.com/kittyjr

    My profiles are all categorized into Amp / Mode or Channel and what I call "Brightness Level". This ranges from A (darker) to B (normal) to C (brighter). This allows you to quickly find the profile you want even if there were 100's in the list. The use of the pedals is clearly labeled in the profile name as well.

    Example: The profile "RiF-DR Mod B1 OD V30" is from the "RiF-DR" pack, Modern mode, Brightness Level Normal ("B"), 1st variation, OD808 pedal, V30 speaker

    All profiles were made with an SM57 microphone through a BAE 1073 MP preamp. No digital gear (except for the KPA itself) used.

    Also check out my blog at http://www.rifsplace.com/blog for some side-information about the pedals used, how to EQ KPA profiles and such.

    I hope you like the profiles.

    EDIT: Here are some audio demos (no post-processing on the guitars. Usually bone-dry without any KPA-FX. Some tones - esp. leads - have delay+reverb from the profile, e.g RiF-DR Psh):

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    Note that all product and company names used are (registered) brand names or trademarks of respective holders and I am not associated or affiliated with them. The names are solely used to describe the gear used during the profiling process.

    Edited 2 times, last by RiF (February 26, 2019 at 9:37 PM).