Recommendations for cab for live use

  • Hi all, im looking at options for cabs for live use. I play in a metal band with a fairly hefty drummer. I have a powered toaster head and at home use a Laney IRT-X powered FRFR speaker which sounds great for obvious reasons as I get the feel of all the different cab/mic options, which I would like to replicate live.

    I used to use the IRT-X live for individual monitoring when the wedge mix according to the sound guy/equipment at venue was dodgy and I used my old Helix live with a 4x12 onstage, mic'd up. For monitoring the IRT-X was not powerful enough, and would clip and fuzz especially on the bottom end. That appears to be an issue for other reviewers when using FRFR speakers onstage.

    Of my options I have;

    1. considered going direct to the PA and using a vertical 2 x12 for monitoring onstage.

    2. staying passive and trying out the new Celestion F12-X200 speakers in a vertical 2x12 cabinet and getting them mic'd up onstage and monitoring foh as standard.

    3. Or an frfr speaker onstage for monitoring and feed to PA.

    I'm interested as to anyones experiences with the new celestion speakers in a cab, and recommendations for a frfr cab that will deal with heavy bottom end, and be powerful enough to cut through a band onstage and maintain the clarity of the sound as well.

    Also I'd like an option that allows me to have my sound at band practices, and so that if I decide to tweak things (venue acoustics etc aside) I have something similar going on when I come to play live.

    Cheers, Ben.

  • You have loads of options here, so i can only tell you what I do...

    for context, I play in an 80's Hair metal band and a tribute to The Cult, so fairly heavy rock, both with 2 guitars...

    First, definitely go direct FOH, don't bother miking cabs, pointless...

    Therefore its only your on stage monitoring...2 things to consider, sound and look...

    For the best sound, an FRFR wedge facing you/the band

    For the best look, 4 x 12 cab!

    I use both depending upon the situation, knowing my FOH is consistent and for me MORE important that what I hear, therefore I'm happy to compromise my on stage sound, knowing my FOH is the best it can be.

    Also note I often use a 1 x12 FRFR unpowered....never struggled being heard, to the point I'm looking to get a fake 4x12 to cover the "look" aspect..

  • Thanks V8guitar, appreciate the info, always interested on others thoughts, might have to invest in a sturdy coffee table to place the kemper on then, as I could potentially use the IRT-X as a monitor up front!

  • Thanks V8guitar, appreciate the info, always interested on others thoughts, might have to invest in a sturdy coffee table to place the kemper on then, as I could potentially use the IRT-X as a monitor up front!

    Totally dude, just saying what I do... given you have the powered version you have the option of active or passive cabs whatever you do.

    I looked at the Yamaha DXR10 which is a favorite of many but I didn't want to pay for an amp I don;t use. So I used it as a bench mark and tried passive cabs alongside it....I found one by a local dealer and it cost me £180 instead of £400+....

    I also like to control my on stage volume on the KPA, not via the amp of a cab...but that's my preference.