So fed up of Rig Manager not seeing my Kemper

  • I'm so fed up of trying to plug my Kemper into my MacBook and Rig Manger not picking it up. It does SOMETIMES pick it up, but more often that not doesn't. Latest Kemper software, latest Rig Manger, latest OS on the Mac - but thats all irrelevant because its always been like this through various software, cables, even various Kemper. Its pretty pathetic and frustrating, just plugging it in, taking it out about 100 times just to see when it will decide to work

  • This might be super obvious - sorry if it comes across that way! But have you tried a different USB port? And I know you said "cables" but I've had lots of issues with bad USB cables, try as many different ones as you can. Maybe one of these ideas will help! Good luck.

  • This might be super obvious - sorry if it comes across that way! But have you tried a different USB port? And I know you said "cables" but I've had lots of issues with bad USB cables, try as many different ones as you can. Maybe one of these ideas will help! Good luck.

    tried several cables, and every USB port, over and over. It NEVER does it first time and when I was writing the thread today I probably tried about 30 times with no success

  • Have you logged a support ticket with Kemper?

    It sounds like either your computer or your KPA has a problem that is beyond the ability of this forum to solve.

    I'm not sure exactly what they can do but the guys at Kemper can certainly run some diagnostics remotely so if there is a fault in the Kemper they may be able to help. If there isn't a fault you will be one step closer to systematically isolating the cause.

  • The Kemper folks are very helpful so I'm assuming you've already followed hjscheffler's advice to contact support. However, I thought I'd add a thought or two that might be useful.

    its always been like this through various software, cables, even various Kemper.

    I'm a Windows guy by trade so I have no on the ground experience with Macs. That said, some concepts are the same on both platforms.

    In reading this particular statement, it sounds like the only constant has been the computer itself. if it's always been a problem, even with different Kempers and different versions of Rig Manager, the first thing that comes to mind is a problem with the OS / applications (all programs, not just RM) environment itself.

    A computer is just a useless chunk of plastic, metal and silicon unless you install software. Ironically, the most evil thing you can do to a computer is install software. Program A may be quite happy until Program B is installed, which mucks around under the hood with something that screws up Program A. This happens all the time and can affect all manner of things, including USB interaction.

    I don't know if you're able to do this or not, but if you have another Mac or a friend with one who doesn't mind helping, I'd install RM on it, then plug in your Kemper and see how it behaves. If you can plug it in a dozen times or so without a problem, then it's a pretty good indication that it's a problem with the OS / accumulated environment on your own computer. If so, that doesn't solve your problem, but it at least tells you which problem to solve.

    You would then need to start debugging your USB environment. Many times, at least in Windows, USB problems are related to a problem with the device driver. That typically involves manually clearing the driver association with a port, making sure the latest and greatest driver is installed, etc. I'm sure there must be a Mac equivalent to this.

    Worst case scenario - while it's not a pleasant notion, there are times with my computers when they get a bit wrapped around the axle and the best way to clean them up is to back up my data, wipe the drive and do a completely clean install of the OS and all programs. That's kind of the nuclear option, but in those cases the end result of a stable environment makes it worth the hassle.

    There are a lot of Mac guys here who have used the Kemper over a wide variety of RM versions without problems. That, plus your comment about all the things that you've tried, makes me think it's worth looking at your OS / environment to see if there's something you can clean up.

    Hope this helps.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10