DI Box and audio interface Focusrite Clarett 2Pre (Reamping)

  • Your kemper is your DI Box!
    Have a look first in the kemper tutorial about reamping:

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  • im using presonus audiobox and studio one. This video doesn't give enough detail.

    Lets say I record a DI track.

    Now I run a 1/4" cable out of my interface to the input in the back of my kemper.

    Then Direct output back into the input of my interface?

    The next part is where I get stuck. I make a new track and call it reamp.

    Now im lost. I cant get beyond this. Maybe its the studio one v.3 software. or that my interface only has 2 outputs.

    Ive watched every video on YT. Ive read the posts on this forum. Ive spent too much time on this when I should be playing and recording.

    can anyone one help me with the studio one set up?

  • oh yah, that's no problem. I did a DI track dry with a wet track. Then made a new track called reamp. Set the input to reamp, armed the track and started to record but nothing. It just plays back my dry track but the reamp track shows that its recording but with no waveform showing in the reamp track as im playing back and recording., Yet in the cans I can hear everything, ALL guitars , drums vox playing back like they are processed through the Kemper. so the output from my interface has all the tracks running through and into the kemper.


  • Just wanted to establish a baseline that you were okay enough with Studio One to do basic recording. I use Cubase and couldn't do a deep dive for you if it were otherwise.

    Let's try this. I'm including the full process for completeness.

    1. Set Kemper alt output to DI
    2. Cable alt out to Presonus input
    3. Create track, named DI
    4. Point track to the appropriate Presonus input as its record source
    5. Arm and press record
    6. Play guitar
    7. Disarm record.
    8. Make sure the output of the DI track is pointed to stereo out (or whatever Studio One calls it so that it goes to your studio reference monitors)
    9. You should hear just the raw guitar track

    You now have a DI track. Now you want to record a reamped sound.

    1. Route the DI track output to one of your Presonus outputs
    2. Cable the Presonus output to your Kemper input
    3. In the Kemper, set that input's source to Reamp
    4. Connect the Left and Right main outputs of the Kemper to the two mic inputs of the Presonus (I believe this may be the part you're missing)
    5. Now, create a stereo track (or two mono tracks) in Studio One. Set one to the left mic input, the other to the right mic input.
    6. Arm and press record
    7. You should now see the actual guitar sound being recorded

    When done, point this track to the stereo out (your studio reference monitors), mute the DI track, press play, and you should hear the guitar sound.

    Another thing you might do as well is just record the main output of the Kemper while playing guitar. You'd do steps 4 - 7 above, but leave the Kemper input set to the analog in for your guitar.

    Overall, based on what you've written thus far, I think the problem you were having was not connecting the L/R main outs to the Presonus mic inputs when you wanted to record the actual guitar tone. This will be the same whether you're just playing guitar, or if you do steps 1 - 3 above to send it a DI signal. It's all the same to the Kemper. It gets a guitar signal and outputs the sound. And if you have the L/R mains patched to the Presonus mic inputs, it's all the same to the Presonus and Studio One. Either way, it's just recording the guitar sound from the Kemper.

    Give this a try and see if it gets you going in the right direction.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Thanks. I did make progress. The track did record and I did get the wave form.

    However I got the feedback issue. It sounded like it was being played back in a Tin box. Any gain or volume increase to get a decent waveform started screeching.

    Something to note. I ran mono. 1 output one input.

    My interface only has 2 in and 2 out(not including a headphones out as well.

    Cable the Presonus output to your Kemper input

    I use alt input in the back, right? Not the front input. Otherwise I have to set Input to front input not reamp

    Set Kemper alt output to DI

    What is alt output?

    Make sure the output of the DI track is pointed to stereo out

    Is stereo necessary?

    Connect the Left and Right main outputs of the Kemper to the two mic inputs of the Presonus (I believe this may be the part you're missing)
    Now, create a stereo track (or two mono tracks) in Studio One. Set one to the left mic input, the other to the right mic input.

    Again. I only recorded a mono DI track. I just need to run this track back through the kemper.

    Im wondering if I may need to get an interface with more output options if I want to run stereo and monitor as well


  • nakedzen has you covered on the feedback loop. However, if you don't have reference monitors and are using your Kemper -> speaker as the playback for your Studio One recordings, it complicates things. See below on that.

    Yeah, alt input in the back is fine.

    Alt out was my bad - I mean the direct out (I'm usually not in front of the Kemper when I write this stuff), which you're obviously already using correctly.

    I record mono as well, I only specified stereo to give you full options on that path. For my own rig, I just use the L main out and I have it set to Mono.

    As for more output options, I made an assumption that you were monitoring through studio reference monitors connected to the speaker outputs of your audio interface. If you don't have reference monitors and are trying to monitor through the speaker the Kemper is connected to, that's probably why you're having trouble with feedback.

    If you're going Studio One -> interface out-> Kemper reamp in -> Kemper L main out -> interface in -> studio one track for guitar sound, then you need Studio One to send that to speakers. As nakedzen pointed out, if you then route that back to the Kemper, the dog chases his tail and you get feedback.

    I'm not sure what the best configuration is if you're trying to use the Kemper -> speaker cab as your recording monitor. I don't think you need a new interface, but if you don't have studio reference monitors, that should probably be your next purchase. You can get Mackie or comparable 5" monitors, which sound just find, for around $300 a pair. They'll connect to the speaker outputs of your interface, and this will make your life much easier.

    In the meantime I would recommend using the headphone out of your audio interface for monitoring, and don't send anything to the Kemper except the DI you want to reamp.

    I just took a look at the Focusrite, and you probably want to connect your powered studio reference monitors to Line Out 1 & 2.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10