Joined a band and I'm going to be the band manager

  • Actually, it's not even a band, it's a power trio.

    This was from our first jam, fun jam. At first glance, it would seem like I'm the only man in the world who can sing and play "Domination" by Pantera at the same time.

    But I'm sure there must be others... somewhere.

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    Play Domination? Oh, snap, I can't do an accurate solo, Dimebag was an original. =O

  • Cowboys from Hell.8) 1988 the Abbott brothers and Rex Brown walked in Murphy's Music in Irving Texas.

    Their parents had an equipment list that was over 22 thousand dollars. It included 2 Randall stacks 2 Marshall bass rigs and a double kick Ludwig kit and full PA with 12 mics. We were a new Dean guitar dealer so 3 were ordered.

    Murphy thought the spoiled brats would be selling it off within a year. He was wrong.8)

  • Cowboys from Hell.8) 1988 the Abbott brothers and Rex Brown walked in Murphy's Music in Irving Texas.

    Their parents had an equipment list that was over 22 thousand dollars. It included 2 Randall stacks 2 Marshall bass rigs and a double kick Ludwig kit and full PA with 12 mics. We were a new Dean guitar dealer so 3 were ordered.

    Murphy thought the spoiled brats would be selling it off within a year. He was wrong.8)

    Omg, Muddy, that's a hilarious story, hahahaha!

    What I love about the CFH album cover is that Dimebag is shredding, Rex is holding his bass, Phil Anselmo is jumping through the roof and Vinnie? Vinnie's just standing there with a sandwich half the size of his head!

    I guess it would have been silly showing him holding sticks or something... Pure genius!

    BTW, guys, have you heard the "hidden" Pantera tracks? They were released as part of a compilation of live performances, but they are studio tracks that were inserted right at the end. Check these out:

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    It's funny, I always thought my copy of the album had the title "Live 101 Proof: Firehouse", but I later discovered it indeed did not.

    There's a live version of the first song out. Was intended for a new record after Reinventing the Steel.

    That's another funny album cover. The guy with the bottle dancing in the flames always makes me laugh.