[ML Sound Lab] Amp Packs with "ML Merged Rigs"

  • As of today "ML Sound Lab" is officially offering Kemper Profiles. I'd like to thank this forum for the warm welcome as I've already made some friends here. :) Let's jump straight to what's special about these "ML Merged Rigs". Here's a link to our online store: https://ml-sound-lab.com/

    Our Kemper Profiles are all "ML Merged Rigs" which requires a unique but accurately tested process (took us 4 months to get it right) that ensures a clean separation of the amplifier and cabinet. This makes sure that Kemper users will get extremely accurate profiles that are fully compatible with ML Sound Lab Cab Packs. I've personally been in the forefront of IR technology pushing it further to its fullest for about 8 years now and although I've heard IR's are not necessarily "a thing" here, these ML profiles make IR's work 100% with the Kemper. If you're unfamiliar with my previous work I'm best known for collaboration Cab Packs with artists from bands like Guns N' Roses all the way to Periphery. You can hear our Cab Packs in use on "Periphery III: Select Difficulty" and being used live by some of the biggest names in the industry which I sadly can't legally name-drop. ML Sound Lab became it's own company now in 2019 and the purpose it to provide the most authentic tones for the best modelers on the market.

    Here's our first Kemper Amp Pack release: https://ml-sound-lab.com/products/boogey-v-kemper

    "ML Boogey V" is based on a "Mesa Boogie Mark V going into a 90s Mesa Boogie Oversize 4x12 loaded with rare original spec Vintage 30 speakers.

    This is a video showcasing how accurate our Amp Packs really are for all modelers:

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    These are the exact profiles that come in the pack and there's absolutely no post processing on the guitars. All profiles are in perfect balance and range throughout the maximum range of gain stages available on the real life amps.

    Stay tuned for more releases very soon. :thumbup:

  • There have been many questions about a preview of these profiles so I shot this video to show you guys what it sounds like!

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  • We're definitely aiming for quality over quantity. Bad sounding profiles simply don't make it to our packs because the last thing we want is to force people to start searching for a good sound and filling their Kempers with a bunch of profiles they'll never use. The profiles in our packs are balanced and measured to be perfect (we have years of experience working on pro guitar tones for live and studio) while going through all available gain stages. Here's the info:

    Profile 1: Channel 1 - Pristine clean

    Profile 2: Channel 1 - Edge of breakup

    Profile 3: Channel 1 - Pushed clean

    Profile 4: Channel 2 - Medium crunch

    Profile 5: Channel 2 - Rock rhythm

    Profile 6: Channel 2 - Full gain crunch

    Profile 7: Channel 3 - Tight high gain

    Profile 8: Channel 3 - Metal rhythm

    Profile 9: Channel 3 - Full gain lead

    From a technical point of view I can not emphasize enough that these are not your average profiles. This is not marketing speech, our first scheduled Kemper pack was supposed to come out about 3 months ago (as many active members in here that did some beta testing can confirm). It got postponed until we got the results that are up to our standards and the Kemper performed up to it's fullest potential. After doing the necessary comparison tests we felt like these profiles that are known as "merged" are many times not doing a good job in separating the amps and cabs. The amp and cab impedance interaction is simply something that's not easy to realistically separate. In our profiles this impedance interaction is all left as part of the amp profiles which means that you can use our Kemper compatible Cab Packs to achieve 100% realistic results. I will definitely post a video explaining and showing how this works. What it means is that all the Cab Packs that we come up with will make these 9 profiles sound literally a thousand different ways if wanted. Among many benefits like being able to mix amps and cabs in a completely realistic way this also means that people using powered Kempers will get the most realistic end result by far. I'll be shooting a video explaining all this a little better. :)

  • I am looking forward to the video. Very interesting!

    It is cool that you figured out how to make quality profiles that sound realistic and great. But what has that to do with the high price?

    The same quality profiles would still sound good for half of the price, wouldn't they?:saint:

  • I really don't want to start a conversation about pricing especially when our metrics show that there's no issue. I don't think anyone chooses to use profiles because they were so inexpensive. Those kinds of profiles you forget about in a week. That's not what we stand for. We stand for the highest quality possible and we're priced accordingly. Even that being said we're not the most expensive profile maker out there. Not even in the top 5. :)

  • I knew this defence would come from you. You're no the first one. You can do whatever you want and set any price you want and it's up to others to decide if it's worth the price or not but sorry, but I can't stand that kind of snobbish BS. Our profiles are so good and therefore priced accordingly to that. Yes there are vendors that makes great profiles and are inexpesive too. No I don't forget them in a week. On the contrary I still use them. Some purchased a couple of years ago and some a couple of months ago. Great profiles have nothing to do with the pricing. It's the quality that matters. There are some free profiles I still use.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • It’s not even the price thing... and for starters, you are definitely open to scrutiny in this forum as far as pricing, people are free to do that as they please. Especially since, once again we have another “ commercial profiler” here, claiming they have, once again, a “secret” technique to profiling: and a bold new claim that I haven’t seen said before: the new cab separation isn’t not that good, but fear not, WE have developed a secret technique. Basically implying you can do a better job than CK can..... do you see what that looks like from our point of view alittle now?

  • I am definitely interested in profilers doing there own thing. Beside a high price tag, I am always a bit skeptical when IR are used instead of profiled cabs. Why? Because the IR have been converted with cab maker and as far as I have experienced the converted result does not sound the same as the original IR. So how can you guarantee 100 % realistic result?

    In your comparison video, did you use the Kemper direct profile and converted IR or is it direct profile into an IR loader with the original IR?

  • In our profiles this impedance interaction is all left as part of the amp profiles which means that you can use our Kemper compatible Cab Packs to achieve 100% realistic results.

    Does this "clean separation" achievement mean that you are able to produce 100% same sounding Merged and Studio profiles?

    This would be really groundbreaking as I haven't heard anyone succeeding in this so far. And this would be pretty easy to test also I guess.

  • Does this "clean separation" achievement mean that you are able to produce 100% same sounding Merged and Studio profiles?

    This would be really groundbreaking as I haven't heard anyone succeeding in this so far. And this would be pretty easy to test also I guess.

    He is using converted IR from his IR packs, just copied in. So no merged or studio profiles were done. Just "special" direct amp profiles. Or am I wrong?

  • Does this "clean separation" achievement mean that you are able to produce 100% same sounding Merged and Studio profiles?

    This would be really groundbreaking as I haven't heard anyone succeeding in this so far. And this would be pretty easy to test also I guess.

    This is exactly what I was talking about. I definitely have no disrespect towards anyone and if it came across that way I've done a poor job explaining myself. It's like JuLai said. In a perfect world you would not need to have separate profiles for 1) when you're using a powered Kemper running a real cabinet 2) an FRFR speaker 3) Kemper in the studio or 4) yes ultimately if you want to have the ability to use impulse responses.

    If you do need separate profiles for different use cases that literally means that the separation was not done correctly. It means there's some of the cab sound still left in the amp profile or what I witnessed, there's a lot of amp sound left in the cabinet profile. It's not really a problem as it will still sound convincing but if I know I have "a better way" of course I will do it that way. After all I need things to be as realistic as possible as I would never sell anything that's not good enough for my own use and I am quite a geek when it comes to this stuff. That being said this is a very common "weird" area when modeling tube amps and cabs. The impedance interaction changes how an amp sounds based on what cab it's plugged into. Once again this is not an attack towards anyone, this is just a simple fact that I can prove if needed. This is the exact reason why Boss Waza Tube Amp Expander was introduced to the market. It's a loadbox that simulates a bunch of different cabinet impedance resistances.

    So what I'm trying to say is: I believe this cabinet impedance resistance should be 100% a part of the amp profile and completely removed from the cab profile. The reason I say this is because a profile like that will work perfectly in all 4 circumstances that I mentioned before. I'd love to create a video explaining this further but it will take some time. Let me know if you're interested.

  • So has your opinion changed regarding the Kemper? You were always one of the most vocal naysayers in the past. Curious what changed?

    I'm the person who got temporarily banned for defending Kemper when it was announced... My opinion has always stayed the same. I wish there was no war between modeler camps but there's a good aspect in competition because it pushes the modeling technology forward. Last year was the first time that I spent a lot of time with the Kemper, Axe-Fx III and Line 6 Helix in the studio at the same time and I think they're all really good and I feel the competition has pushed all of these units to where they can completely replace tube amps.

  • Here's a video of me showing and explaining the "ML Merged Profiles":

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    I will be working on a new pack next week and while doing that I will try and create a "one off" ML Merged Profile for you to try out.