Rig Manager 3.0 Editor

  • 8 days until Autumn (in the northern hemisphere) 15 days till the end of the 3rd quarter. Are we at least going to get a beta? I would be happy with just a status on where the developers are. Might I at least dream of getting some screenshots of what they are working on? We have not even had a tease since winter NAMM. :/:rolleyes:;(

  • There was social media info last week about CK doing a video with Andertons music. As Andertons is a shop, that will likely be hardware as in the new cabinet for the Kemper Kone.

    The editor was shown back in January and the occasional questions on here by mods have still said q3.

    My guess is that we’ll see both at the same time so ‘keep hitting refresh on the Andertons Youtube channel’.

  • For what it's worth, Rig Manager is fantastic. If that is any indication of the level at which they're aiming for the Editor, I'm all for the wait.

    Having spent a significant amount of time as a developer, it really is beneficial to all for them to get their software right, right out of the gate. Half-cooked software, ala Windows 8, is just more frustrating than it is worth!

    Blog it.

    Kemper announced in January - editor release by end of summer.

    @ Kemper product managers - Why is this release going to be late? What is the new ETA? - a specific date.

  • My experience is that companies' trading years either follow the Calendar Year (Jan to Dec), or the Financial Year (Apr to Mar - at least in the UK anyway).

    These years are usually split into quarters:

    Calendar Year: Q1 = Jan to Mar, Q2 = Apr to Jun, Q3 = Jul to Sep and Q4 = Oct to Dec

    Financial Year: Q1 = Apr to Jun, Q2 = Jul to Sep, Q3 = Oct to Dec and Q4 = Jan to Mar

    Our friends at Kemper are working on an Editor which earlier in the year they expected to issue by the end of summer and as we edge closer to that time, they have further clarified that they now expect it to be end of Q3 2019.

    Based on this I have assumed Kemper are referring to Calendar Year quarters and they hope to deliver the Editor by the end of Sep 2019, which if we get an Indian summer in the UK, is not far off the original "end of summer" statement.

    Even though it will no doubt have been tested by a number of forum members who are official beta testers, I guess its initial release will be classed as a beta to allow wider usage to highlight any O/S bugs.

    I'm sure it's not too far off and as I've suggested before, perhaps Ingolf could work around his NDA and change his forum pic to one with an even bigger smile, to indicate when the drop is imminent.

    And anyway, even if it's a bit late - you'll have something to play with at Xmas and an excuse to leave the family to themselves for a few hours.

  • So if it doesn't come out by the end of September what exactly are ya gonna do, besides wait? ;)

    If you use FRFR the benefit of a merged profile is that the cabinet is totally separated in the profile.

    For my edification only... ;) Kemper/Axe-FX III/ Quad Cortex user

  • I'd much rather have CK and his team make the software, both KPA firmware and RM/editor, rock solid than getting an early bug-ridden release. RM has always been, and still is, a total PITA. One simply can not leave a computer hooked up to the unit for any longer period of time, which for many studio/recording guys is totally unacceptable. One has to be able to keep the KPA available as an audio-resource on a shelf like any other audio-processing-unit without wondering if or when it is going to lock up. It is not the first piece of gear I've had with problems, but the first where something as serious as system lockup doesn't seem to be taken seriously by its developers. It's been going on for years across countless firmware-releases. If it is as hardware issue that makes it un-fixable, be honest about it and inform the customers. I just pray this gets fixed with the new software, but I'm not holding my breath.

  • It's been going on for years across countless firmware-releases. If it is as hardware issue that makes it un-fixable, be honest about it and inform the customers. I just pray this gets fixed with the new software, but I'm not holding my breath.

    I believe some parts (usb stuff) are outsourced. I would not be surprised for those parts to be the culprit of the aforementioned problems. And then Kemper Gmbh has no real hand on it.

  • RM has always been, and still is, a total PITA.

    thank you!

    One simply can not leave a computer hooked up to the unit for any longer period of time, which for many studio/recording guys is totally unacceptable.

    I can, in fact, we all here at Kemper can.

    One has to be able to keep the KPA available as an audio-resource on a shelf like any other audio-processing-unit without wondering if or when it is going to lock up.

    of course one has to do that. and ... you can :)

    It's been going on for years across countless firmware-releases.

    of course, because we don't even know about such an issue.

    If it is as hardware issue that makes it un-fixable, be honest about it and inform the customers. I just pray this gets fixed with the new software, but I'm not holding my breath.

    maybe it's your hardware, maybe it's your setup. we can work on it with you, if you like. chances are that it'll result in something more substantial than praying. but don't make this a general issue please - you have no reason to do so.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here