Rig Manager Problem with export All Rigs

  • When i try export All Rigs, my Rig Manager no responce and i don't find solution how to do this. This is really imposible. Team Kemper please optimise your software or fix anything in Rig Manager for stable work

    Wow, over 100,000 rigs in your library. 8|

    While the problem might be trying to download from Rig Exchange, I'm willing to bet that it's more about 100,000 rigs in your library. While some folks may indeed have a high number of profiles, 100,000 is probably a significantly higher number than the average.

    To put it in context, if you wanted to preview each of your profiles, and only spent 30 seconds on each one, it would take you 34.7 days to accomplish this, working nonstop, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    Software is typically optimized for the most common use cases. I do database work for a living, and optimizing tables and indexes in Sql Server is a different level of effort for tables with millions of rows than it is for tables with only a few thousand. Consequently, I spend more time optimizing the high volume tables and less on the lower ones. However, that means if someone suddenly dumps millions of records into a table that normally only has a few thousand, the query performance is going to suffer since it wasn't designed for that scenario.

    Of course, this is all conceptual stuff that doesn't help you. I mention it only so that you understand that what you're seeing is not the typical Kemper experience most of us have. While we all have our pet enhancements that we want, overall Rig Manager is quite stable. The Kemper folks also take quality very seriously.

    If you want to export your rigs, I would suggest an alternative approach, as outlined in the thread below. While it's possible that the Kemper guys wrote Rig Manager with the expectation of handling six figure profile counts, I'm guessing that's not the case, so a file system based solution may be your best bet.

    Hope this helps.

    How to Transfer RM Library to New Computer?

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I recreated my Database and delete some duplicate files and now works all fine

    Interesting, I just posted my whish for the new editor with integrated rig manager to speed up the start up , because it takes 9 minutes to load my 60000 profiles and start the program.

    You have written that you checked your database to find and dekete some duplicates. I think I have also duplicates. Can you describe how you have done that job?

    I am on win 7, 64 bit

    Cheers in advance


  • I choosed about 5000 profiles from the entire list (130.000) and then exported these profiles. With so many dedicated profiles, my Rig Manager could work and did not hang.

    In addition, I had more than 1,800 folders and subfolders by category and I got about 35,000 duplicate files.

    Now I have only 139 folders in which all my 93450 Profiles are located. I also believe that the number of folders matters and the more they are likely to have the most problems with exporting through the Rig Manager

    You can watch the video how it works now

  • I also believe that the number of folders matters

    Without knowing the RM code I can't say for sure, but that's certainly a reasonable conclusion.

    I spent a few years writing air traffic control software and because the government didn't want to pay us for extremely pricey Sql Server licenses, our manager decided to write his own pseudo database using a folder and file structure. I won't bore you with the countless performance problems he had to work through but there's a reason relational databases (and even old b-tree databases like the venerable Btrieve) had optimized index structures. Traversing a list and doing sorts can easily become less than optimized.

    I don't know what kind of indexing structure they guys are using in Rig Manager, but I'm willing to bet it was tested and optimized for what they considered the norm, maybe a few thousand profiles versus 130,000, and a similar philosophy on folders.

    The question of, "well, shouldn't they optimize it so that it works for very large numbers" comes down to what percentage of the user base would actually benefit, and would the time be better spent on the dozens of other things that a larger number of people want. Never an easy answer to that.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Interesting, I just posted my whish for the new editor with integrated rig manager to speed up the start up , because it takes 9 minutes to load my 60000 profiles and start the program.

    You have written that you checked your database to find and dekete some duplicates. I think I have also duplicates. Can you describe how you have done that job?

    I am on win 7, 64 bit

    Cheers in advance


    9 minutes to load Rig Manager? That's crazy!! I have WAY more profiles hoarded and RM starts in a few seconds (Win 10).

    Maybe just to little RAM on your computer?

    I would be drunk before hitting the first note, if I had to wait 9 minutes ^^

  • 9 minutes to load Rig Manager? That's crazy!! I have WAY more profiles hoarded and RM starts in a few seconds (Win 10).

    Maybe just to little RAM on your computer?

    I would be drunk before hitting the first note, if I had to wait 9 minutes ^^

    Differs from day to day. Yesterday it took prox. 4 minutes. Don’t know why. I have done a video with the 9 minutes but I don’t want to wasteyour time looking that.

    I think about a new all in one computer, win 7 is also out at the end of the year. My fesrs, everything is running with win 7 ( cubase and other stuff), hope I didn’t need new linceses for all the stuff when changing.

  • Differs from day to day. Yesterday it took prox. 4 minutes. Don’t know why.

    In Windows 7 if you press the Windows key (the thing that looks like a flag) and the letter R, you'll get the "Run" dialog. Type in resmon (which is short for Resource Monitor) and press enter. It will launch a diagnostic app included with Windows.

    In Resource Manager, you'll see tabs for Overview, CPU, Memory, Disk and Netowrk. I'd go to the Disk tab first, and have this up the next time you launch Rig Manager. If you click the Total Bytes column you can sort it so that the most activity is at the top. This will show you who is banging on the hard drive, and how much.

    My first guess for the inconsistency in your load times is that other programs running in the background (such as anti virus or other such utilities) are banging heavily on your hard drive the same time that Rig Manager is trying to load your profiles. The device contention will slow down both because even though it seems like a computer is doing multiple things at once (i.e. multitasking), in reality it's only doing one thing at a time, just switching back and forth really quickly. So, if two or more programs are competing to do a lot of disk i/o at the same time, they all slow down.

    You can perform similar tests by shutting down RM and doing the same thing focused on CPU and Memory. I would be surprised if RM is CPU intensive. However, if your memory usage is maxed out, Windows will start swapping memory out to the hard drive page file, at which point you're banging on the hard drive again (one of the slowest things in a computer system).

    I think about a new all in one computer, win 7 is also out at the end of the year. My fesrs, everything is running with win 7 ( cubase and other stuff), hope I didn’t need new linceses for all the stuff when changing.

    There's no reason to ditch Windows 7 just because Microsoft is "ending support." It doesn't stop working, it just means they're not releasing any more patches for it (and their patches can often do as much harm as good). I make a living coding for Microsoft tech, and every single box in my network is running Windows 7. Windows 10 doesn't do anything significant for you that 7 doesn't already do so honestly there's no reason to spend the money or go through compatibility issues (and there will always be some of those).

    If RM took 9 minutes every time, I'd certainly point the finger at it, but if it's 9 one time and 4 the next, you have something else going on and RM may be the victim rather than the culprit.

    I'd recommend as a first step running resmon to see if you can discover what other programs are fighting for resources at the same time that RM loads. If you'll let me know your findings, I'm happy to help.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10