Digitech Trio+ Bandcreator with Looper (best looper?)

  • Guys i already use the DittoX4 on kemper one and i love it, however the Digitech Trio+ Bandcreator with Looper seems like it allows 5 segments of separate loops and layers, plus has a drum/bass track that you can create with any tempo you like.

    I am just posting this encase any one wanted to do more with the looper, especially more than what the Ditto can do.

    I am really thinking about pulling the trigger on this, sure the drums are not the best, but i saw a video how they trained it to do a reggae and Ska beat...

    Who am i kidding i am gonna buy this toy:)

    Look at what he is doing with the loops.

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    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited once, last by ashtweth (January 10, 2019 at 1:20 AM).

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    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited 2 times, last by ashtweth (January 10, 2019 at 1:20 AM).

  • ^^ , Love how they can program it on the folk setting and others to play SKA or Reggae.... Tell me this is not fun my friends :)

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    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • This guy has some great examples.


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    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Can't decide between Trio+ and Beatbuddy.
    Beatbuddy has (IMHO) better drum sound and is more controleble but you have to program it and has no looper.
    Tio+ listens to your playing and genereates on the fly drums and bass, but no midi and less reproducable results (IMHO).

    Maybe someday there is device called BeatBandTrio ;)

  • Can't decide between Trio+ and Beatbuddy.
    Beatbuddy has (IMHO) better drum sound and is more controleble but you have to program it and has no looper.
    Tio+ listens to your playing and genereates on the fly drums and bass, but no midi and less reproducable results (IMHO).

    Maybe someday there is device called BeatBandTrio ;)

    That´s why I was going for BeatBuddy...

    BeatBandTrio would be awesome....8):D

  • My 2 cents, the DigiTech SDRUM wins over the BeatBuddy..

    Carp GREAT Bro!!, you gonna put it in front of the kemper right??



    Y am i shouting.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • So far I can see the Trio+ is great for practise and jamming with yourself. That’s why I want the Trio.

    On the other hand our drummer is often absent I am looking for an easy way for our band to have a nice groove support for rehearsal. That’s why I am looking for beatbuddy.

    Thanks ashtweth I am not aware about SDRUM have to look into this.!

  • So far I can see the Trio+ is great for practise and jamming with yourself. That’s why I want the Trio.

    On the other hand our drummer is often absent I am looking for an easy way for our band to have a nice groove support for rehearsal. That’s why I am looking for beatbuddy.

    Thanks ashtweth I am not aware about SDRUM have to look into this.!

    if you just need drummer, -> beatBuddy.

    The software is "Band in a box" based midi sample. it's great to jam or in friendly use, you'r right

    With trio+ it's just awesome looper to jam.

    I use it in direct mode, in directOut/return of KPA. But there're a send/return into Trio+, and normally it's better to put KPA into this loop.

    So BeatBuddy is only Drums and need the Mac to organise it.

    Trio+ learn what you play,

    and create bass and drums in rythme and tonality that you played. it's awesome to jam.

    you can create songs and organize your jam in 5 sections. with 10 song by SD card.

    I regret many little things but if you want create a complete song , it's better with a computer.

    Seriously, i listen a progression that I like... i arrive in home, i played chords, and 2 minutes after, I jam. It's just pleasant.

    to work scales too or to work scales in changing mode.

    if U spent 1 hour to clic and clic and clic to do something into a computer for a backing tracks and during this time you dont play...