Kemper & Helix HX Effects (or any Helix device?)

  • I'm sorry if this isn't much help, but I use the Helix HX Effects (just for effects) and I use my old HD500 as a midi controller for my Kemper. I don't know if it's possible to use the HX for both effects and as a midi controller, but I do think it's possible. I have seen midi controller codes (using CC) in the HX manual. I would do a search on the Kemper forum for using the HD500 as a midi controller. That's how I got started with mine... Good luck!

  • Hi,

    Thanks for trying but I just need a bit more direction.

    I don't know if I should be using


    or Bank PC

    Then there's the "Base" and all the "CC" "CC32" Prog or "Base", "CC" and "Value"!

    I also need to know if there's anything to "change" on the Kemper too to check if it's "talking" to the Helix!

  • you can change rigs and slots using programchanges and CC (in perform mode)

    All the info you need to do so can be found in the MIDI chapter in the main manual of the PROFILER.

    Make sure that you set both devices to the same MIDI channel and that the device that sends the data is connected to from its MIDI output to the MIDI input of the receiving device.

  • Hi HJ

    I've been trying that and studying the manual and no luck.

    Have Midi lead going from Helix HX Effects Out to Kemper in

    Then in Perform mode am using Midi CC messages and it won't sync (got it to work once in browser mode on Kemper but then Helix "forgot" it)

    In Bank PC I've just no idea how to work out from that complex maths formula!

    I just need an example -

    Say "use MIDI CC or Bank" whichever works best

    For Bank 1 slot 1 enter these values

    For Bank 1 slot 2 enter these values

    Once I've got that I can apply it to others

  • I use HX FX to control my kemper and it works really well.
    I use it in performance mode, in HX You need to select a bank and
    a preset, for example bank 1 preset A, go into command centre and
    use the big knob to select Instant 1 (could be any instant but
    makes sense to use 1 if your only controlling 1 midi device) then set
    the command to BankPC, MIDI Ch to 1 (assuming kpa is set to 1), set prog
    to 0 and save. Whenever you select Bank1 preset A performance 1 slot 1
    will be selected on the kpa.In perf mode PC 0 selects perf 1 slot 1,
    PC 1 , perf1 slot 2,.... PC5 perf2 slot 1 and so on. I have mine so each
    bank is mapped to a performance, i.e bank1 a=slot1, b=slot2, c=slot3, d=slot4,
    slot 5 becomes redundant but its enough for me. Also in command centre you can
    assign midi CC Toggle commands to the foot switches to switch kpa stomps on or off
    the CC#'s for the stomps are in the kpa manual. If you have an exp pedal connected to HX
    assign this as MIDI CC , CC#11 and it will do exp control of the kpa, all saved with the patches
    on HX. Remember its midi pc to change slots on kpa, perf 1 slot 1 starts at midi pc#0 and
    the rest move on in sequence from this. Hope this helps.

  • Hi Keith,

    Thanks for the response.

    Just tried it and no dice.

    Have performance mode set on the Kemper.

    Command Centre Instant

    Bank PC 1 00 Off 0

    Command Midi Ch CC00 CC32 Prog

    On Kemper Profiler Midi -

    Channel 1 Channel 1 A Midi B Midi

    Helix Midi Device B (Not Used) Out Out

    UI to Midi Pedals to Midi Send MIDI Clock

    Un checked Unchecked Unchecked

    Midi Global Channel 127

    Channel 1 CC73

    On The Helix FX Effects (Midi/Tempo)

    Midi Base Ch Midi Thru Rx Midi Clock Tx Midi Clock Tempo BPM USB Midi Midi PC Rx Midi PC Tx

    1 Off Auto Both Preset 120 On Both Off

    Is this what you've got?

    Thanks for taking the time to help, I know the pair when I can get to work in conjunction will be incredible!


  • if you want to use program changes in perform mode you just have to use whatever programchange number is shown in the lower left corner of the perform mode display for the currently selected slot.

    If you want to use control changes you need to send CC48 and 49 to switch between performances and 50-54 to select the slots within the current performance.