Great reviews

  • Gotta agree - their profiles sounded a touch dull and flat, but within the realm of tweakdom. My April 2012 Sound On Sound just arrived in today's mailbox; is still showing the March issue, so I'll reprint editor Paul White's "Second Opinion" here;

    It's a nice four-page article, too bad Paul White didn't name-check the product in his Page 1 op-ed life as he often does. Beware, there are undoubtedly some "April Fools" articles coming out this month, but the Kemper is not one of them!


  • Dear all
    guitarnet70 wrote

    Quote from guitarnet70

    Talking about great reviews, the German guys here should have a read at the articles on Gitarre&Bass and Guitar.... 8o

    and also in the Soundcheck magazine of course!
    Best regards