Is it worth getting an Axe FX if you have a Kemper?

  • Even if there are differencies in Sound, when you compare the real amp to the axe fx and the kemper, I don't have them because of the Sound. Imo they sound so close that i stopped caring. The ony thing you can't copy is the features.

    If you need or want Multiamp sounds and many effects get the axe fx, if you want to record everywhere get helix because it is also available as a vst. If you want to save you own amps and signalchains get the Kemper. If you want the sound of a particular amp i think you should get that amp and if you want so many amp sounds that you can't afford them all get a modeler. or if yo need something with a built in poweramp get a kemper or a amp.

    On thing all modern modeler can but the kemper not is ultra fuzzy sounds. I mean i get it that these sounds are so extreme that it is not possible to profile them but i like them a lot. so if you are into dense mids and ultra creamy fuzz sounds, get teh axe or the helix ... or the original amp. That is why i cannot recommend the kemper to stonerrock guys because this is simply not possible right know (with a few tricks yes but not out of the box)

    Imo there is no competition, they all sound good while they all have weaknesses and their unique selling points.

  • Imo they sound so close that i stopped caring. The ony thing you can't copy is the features.

    Imo there is no competition, they all sound good while they all have weaknesses and their unique selling points.

    I think you have absolutely nailed it. In terms of sound I like the KPA compared to Helix but there wasn't much in in it and to be honest I would have been happy with either. For me it was the features and how they relate to my personal needs and workflow that made the KPA the best choice for me. If I had different needs or perhaps played a different style of music another option may have been better.

  • if you want to record everywhere get helix because it is also available as a vst.

    I've never tried a hardware Helix but I've tried "Helix Native" VST, If that's the VST you refer to - I don't want to start any arguments but IMHO it's not even close to the Kemper or the AXE FX. Again, I haven't tried the hardware Helix.

    I think you'll have a lot of fun with that AXE FX II nightlight, I know I did when I first got it. Just don't get too deep into that jungle of parameters - we may never hear from you again!!!:D

  • I'm not sure if you've seen it but Bommel has profiles a load of AXE FX models and uploaded them to Rig Exchange.

    I will check it out. BTW, I'm not saying my profiles are better than others, just closer to what I'm looking for because the amp models I'm using, and in particular the cabinets I use are familiar to me already. I also want direct profiles sans cabinets. IMO the cabinet is what imparts the unique character of the sound to listeners (ignoring the character of the dynamic response and the distortion for a moment which the player senses much more than the listener IMHO).

    Also if you put the same cabinet on different amps, the result will sometimes be very close, or a little EQ can make it very close, but if you use the same amp with different cabinets (or even different mic positions) the result will almost never be the same or even close. Amps don't impart all the coloration and phase cancellation that a microphone placed on a cabinet produces. Amps color the sound but usually without any notching or radical peaks. That's just been my experience and that's my *opinion*.

    All that said I have found some rigs that are keepers among the ones I've downloaded and I'll check out the ones you suggest. There are so many rigs!!! One can get lost in that sea of rigs almost as easily as getting lost in the AXE FX's endless tweakable parameters, although once you find ones you really like you're almost done. The tweaking is very easy with the KPA.

    If nightlight enjoys tweaking he'll be in heaven when he gets that AXE FX. There is literally no end. It's up to YOU to terminate the tweaking at some point and decide enough is enough!!! :D

  • will check it out. BTW, I'm not saying my profiles are better than others, just closer to what I'm looking for because the amp models I'm using, and in particular the cabinets I use are familiar to me already.

    I totally agree with you. I make profiles that most people probably think are crap but they are familiar to me and sound like my sound so I'm happy.

    As for Bommel's AXE FX profiles; I'm not necessarily recommending them. In fact I don't actually like any of them but I know it's a personal taste thing not a judgement of quality. If I was playing a different style of music they might be perfect.

  • I don't want to start any arguments but IMHO it's not even close to the Kemper or the AXE FX. Again, I haven't tried the hardware Helix.

    I tried it with the same cab irs it has some cool amps ... just like with all modelers there are some cool amps and some that sound off ... like the 5150 on the axe fx is cool from the beginning on the axe fx and the helix one is a more fizzy, thinner and needs more work. The Supro on the other hand is fantastic on the helix, i love it ...

    these days when i record guitar, i use the kempers main out and the direct out for a dry sound. and then i blend the kemper tone with the helix native ... that works wonderful. I hope there is a kemepr vst someday but yeah so far this is works great.

    As for Bommel's AXE FX profiles; I'm not necessarily recommending them. In fact I don't actually like any of them but I know it's a personal taste thing not a judgement of quality. If I was playing a different style of music they might be perfect.

    Oh man :/ sad to hear man, i did my very best to make them as close and flexible as possible

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    what music do you play ? I really do care to make profiles for everybods needs, so if you mind send me a pm.

    hopefully i can do something to my profiles better.


  • Just a small comment on the Helix. I had to use one for a couple of weeks while my Kemper was at HQ for repair. IR`s are the way to go for the Helix. I thought it made it sound atleast 50% better than stock. That probably goes for any modeler, except the green toaster (not the white one due to the tubes being different) ;)

  • Tim (live ready) made some good AXE effect presets also, i did not mind the FX's but i can get just as good atmospheres on my kemper (just saying). AJ you cant come to Aust with out visiting at least Monkey or me, in fact, if you visit one of us you have to visit the other lol.

    okay my 2 cents, YOU DONT NEED IT.

    IMHO all as you need is the doublers (mimiq etc) again and to run 2 amps.

    In my opinion, you can have a quality amp, but once you put 2 of them on with a doubler

    you cant get as fatter sound otherwise. AJ i say get the pedals back and run 2 amps (or 2 kempers like me).

    Even if you had an AXE you would still need to run 2 to get the fattest metal sound.

    2 amps (be it axe or kemper or tube) always wins for our style that we play.

    Not true? Well why does James H from Metallica run TWO Axe FX's live??

    Y???? ....Yep thats TWO OF THEM AT ONCE, a Mesa on one Axe, Diezel on the other = fat[ter] sound.

    nightlight Its not the amp that you need , you just need to run what you have in the right config

    AJ have a beer and just get your pedals back already Bruh.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

    Edited once, last by ashtweth (December 5, 2018 at 2:19 AM).

  • Do you really need it or are you just gear bored? GAS passes (pun intended). Sometimes it turns to instant regret. Besides, who knows what new toys will come early 2019.

    In that sense, I literally need nothing at all! I honestly don't see any point in waiting to see "what might come".

    I was thinking that since I raised the money for my next extravagance by selling an amplifier (my Mark V:25), I would spend the money on a real amp as well, an Engl Savage that I found locally.

    Another option that I was seriously considering was a Townsend Labs Sphere mic. I could really use the ribbon mic emulations for my profiling endeavours and recording plans. Figured I could push that back for a bit though.

    But Bommel's suggestion is also pretty interesting. I like tweaking and I like the idea of creating interesting sounds. There's still time to take that route :/

    Decisions, decisions...

  • AJ you cant come to Aust with out visiting at least Monkey or me, in fact, if you visit one of us you have to visit the other

    Absorootly, brother; thank you for saying what I meant to say originally.

    He'll be flying blind by the time he jumps on the home-bound 'plane for Singapore.

    Decisions, decisions...

    The easiest decision, and it always brings me great relief when I'm embroiled in a GAS conflict, is... to not make a decision at all, and forget about it, AJ. Instant relief.

    Something you actually need inevitably appears on the radar before too long anyway, at which point you'll be glad you saved the dough.

  • Absorootly, brother; thank you for saying what I meant to say originally.

    He'll be flying blind by the time he jumps on the home-bound 'plane for Singapore.

    AJ you cant come to Aust with out visiting at least Monkey or me, in fact, if you visit one of us you have to visit the other lol.

    Noted, gents. Trip will be sometime around April or May next year, so I'll keep you posted.

    I got to warn you though, Ash, I've gone cold turkey off drinking. Was finding that drinking three to four litres of that 8% V/V stuff was really self destructive, and I couldn't figure out how to moderate, so I just stopped.

    Still, maybe I can make an exception and have a beer or two. I'll buy. Not moonshine, good stuff ;)