I'm starting to get tired of the devious ways and tone that some people express here...

  • Guys,

    I was hoping that the KPA Forum would never turn into something like TGP, which is, sometimes (many times), a great place for flaming and bashing other people and their opinion.
    I'd rather not say names, I'd just generally say that in the last days and maybe weeks I'm starting to feel like that things are getting just a little bit out of hand here. I'm a meek person, but some of the devious and mannered conversations and topics that I'm starting to see here are just turning me more and more away from this forum.
    I'm sure and I know for one that freedom of speech is very imporant and should never be hurt. I'm not implying anything with this post. I'm just hoping that some of you guys will understand what I mean, and think a little about this... I'd really love to see this place stay clean from the usual "forum sicknesses" that can be witnessed so many times...

    Use your ears, not your mathematical sense.

  • I'd rather not say names, I'd just generally say that in the last days and maybe weeks I'm starting to feel like that things are getting just a little bit out of hand here. I'm a meek person, but some of the devious and mannered conversations and topics that I'm starting to see here are just turning me more and more away from this forum.

    +1. I agree. That also stopped me from visiting this forum more frequent.
    Sad thing :(

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • I guess it depends from which perspective you look at things.

    I don't see anything on this forum that resembles what goes on at TGP.

    Nor do I

    I agree that this forum might not be as tranquil as it used to be, but I feel we all share a common interest which is still very exciting!
    I'm glad I only experienced TGP for a few months while trying to gather info on the KPA. Perhaps if I was there longer I'd be concerned with any change of the breeze also.

    I don't think we have anything to worry about, so let's keep having fun :D:D

  • I don't see any "devious ways" etc on this forum at all, it's all nice and friendly. There's no name calling or witch-hunts going on etc. There are different opinions on how the KPA sounds and reacts etc in comparison with a real amp, but that's all fair game. After all, we have all invested a lot of money in our KPA's so we are all entitled to call it how we see it (hear it) and ask awkward questions. The one thing that always amazes me is why people post on a thread that they say contains behaviour that they don't like. It really is a simple matter of "just don't post in that thread". If you don't agree with someone's opinion and you want to say so, that's fair enough, but don't expect them to roll-over and agree with you. By the way I am using "you" in the broader sense here to explain my point, this is not directed at you.

    It's all good so don't agonize over it....after all it is only words.

  • I am for a helpful non competitive vibe.
    I find that sometimes sarcasm and other such things that may work in person do not translate well to these little blurbs we write. I have seen many a forum war start over a misinterpreted post.
    I always say it is just gear, no reason to get up in arms.
    Life is far to good and sadly short.
    Better to just play guitar than to argue.
    That works for me.

  • Actually as far as forums go the Kemper forum I think is reasonable. Some forums are places where guys hide behind silly names and flame everything they don't agree with.

    I joined this forum for one reason - and that was the great rules that Kemper applied when we all signed up to it. Check them yourselves and see that the forum is a place for being reasonable, non racist, not being argumentative (in a bad way) and other derogatory things which are rife in most forums should not be here.

    That I completely agree with. Like I said this one seems quite a good forum in those respects and the second it is not.... I'll walk as I suspect many might. I always say leave the idiots to it if it gets nasty in some way. Their loss not mine.

    So guys enjoy this forum for what it is, a great place for knowledge and information from most participants that are usually reasonable without stifling great input.

    Nice on Mr kemper - let's keep it that way. ;)

    Careful I'm watching you...

  • Try politics and religion forums! :D

    Anyhow, my policy is to not spend enough time on forums to ever end up taking exception to anyone's commentary or attitude.

    That way I never have to find out that everyone except me is an idiot.
