Solved - Help me keep my Kemper

  • So after some struggles of finding the right profiles, I've got some tones dialed in on my Kemper that I'm just loving. And I want to keep this thing.

    However, I'm really, really frustrated at lack of USB interface support. It's ridiculous. It's almost 2019. I've been a Fractal guy for years and that has always just worked.

    Anyway, here's my issue. I'm getting no sound via my FocusRite 18i20. Just when I accepted the fact I'd have to buy a rack-friendly USB interface, this stuff is not working.

    KPA: Output button / Check SPDIF Out Link


    KPA: TRS from Main Outs to two Inputs on FocusRite (just for redundancy and SPDIF apparently wasn't working)

    FocusRite Monitor 1 Out -> Adam A7 via TRS to XLR

    FocusRite Monitor 2 Out -> Adam A7 via TRS to XLR

    I'm getting nothing. I'm seeing the input indicators jump on the FocusRite when I play, so it looks like it's getting audio from the KPA main outs just fine. And I hear it through the monitors when I plug the cables in. Monitor volume is up, and it's not muted. Argh!!!

    Would appreciate some help. Thank you!

  • Are you running the focusrite software?

    I'm running it on the Mac, yes. But that shouldn't even matter. What if I just want to play when the Mac isn't connected? The FocusRite should route everything accordingly.

    However, there is yet another issue... The FocusRite disappears as the main output source after connecting, then the FocusRite Control shows no hardware connected. I'm on Mac OS Mojave 10.14.1.

    I ordered an RME Fireface tonight. Arrives Wednesday, so we'll see if that works any better. I'll also get in touch with FocusRite support tomorrow.

  • There are reasons why it doesn’t have a USB interface. It’s a pro unit and I believe it is assumed that they would already have an interface.

    Best of luck. You’ll get it figured out. The Kemper sounds the best.

    I'm getting close. I've got FocusRite seeing input from both SPDIF and Line outs. It's playing audio from Mac through Headphones and through Adam A7. Just not playing Kemper through monitors or headphones.

    And, well, that was a bad assumption on their part. I have a Axe Fx II Ultra and Axe FX III in the house. Both Pro units. Both with full USB audio interface support. Kemper is behind the times there. But yes, great tones.

  • I don't see anything to suggest trolling here?

    I have 18i20 and the software is not the most intuitive - it's all there but it's easy to miss something and it's had me scratching my head more than once. I only use the analogue outs into my 18i20 though.

    Persist there is an answer.

  • Issue still there when you plug something other than the Kemper in?

    Of course it is. You're seeing the signal indicators light up, as you said, so the Kemper has nothing to do with it.

    Maybe the onboard software's not automatically routing the ins to the outs as you might've assumed. As you rightly assumed, however, any tweaks you make to the routing matrix should be retained regardless of whether or not the 'puter's fired-up. At least, that's how it's been for every MOTU interface I've ever owned, so I'd assume it'd be the case for the other manufacturers out there.

  • If features like USB are a priority on an amplifier for you, this is probably the wrong device. Kemper have always put tone first from what I have seen.

    Think of the unit as more of an amp than a computer and you will be happier. I never had a problem just going straight into my 192 in analogue and guitar sounds are a fairly limited frequency range, so nothing is lost.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • "The FocusRite should route everything accordingly."

    No it doesn't route everything accordingly. You have to set it up to route everything accordingly. This is why you are given the Mix Control Software. Once you set that up, you can disconnect the computer and use the interface in stand alone mode. Whether you use S/PDIF or analog is irrelevant. What is important is that you set the routing on your computer first. The manual has all you need to accomplish this...

    I suggest you read from page 20 onwards...…er-guideeng.pdf

  • i dont get why you will return the Kemper

    when you obviously have a problem with the Focusrite

    Because if the Kemper is requiring me to get an external USB interface because they don't take a week's worth of development to make theirs fully functional, then it is a Kemper issue.

    No. A troll write 2 line posts like, "I've always been a Fractal guy, tried the Kemper, it's not ready for prime-time, so I'm returning it."

    A troll doesn't buy a$ %^ing USB interface and tons of cables and spend 2.5 hours trying to get it to work. A troll doesn't provide the routing details. A troll doesn't pack up his Axe III because he's happy with the tone that he's getting with the Kemper even though some basic stuff isn't working.

    If Kemper is making me buy an external USB interface, and I'm having issues with a piece of gear that is relatively simple to operate, then yes. It goes back to the core issue of Kemper not offering a basic piece of functionality that's frustrating for this particular user in which case it's getting returned.

    Thanks for the helpful post though. Don't bother commenting on this thread anymore.

  • I don't see anything to suggest trolling here?

    I have 18i20 and the software is not the most intuitive - it's all there but it's easy to miss something and it's had me scratching my head more than once. I only use the analogue outs into my 18i20 though.

    Persist there is an answer.

    Thanks for being helpful and understanding.

    Issue still there when you plug something other than the Kemper in?

    Of course it is. You're seeing the signal indicators light up, as you said, so the Kemper has nothing to do with it.

    Maybe the onboard software's not automatically routing the ins to the outs as you might've assumed. As you rightly assumed, however, any tweaks you make to the routing matrix should be retained regardless of whether or not the 'puter's fired-up. At least, that's how it's been for every MOTU interface I've ever owned, so I'd assume it'd be the case for the other manufacturers out there.

    Well the problem is that I packed up my Axe III. I'll unpack it today and try it.

    If features like USB are a priority on an amplifier for you, this is probably the wrong device. Kemper have always put tone first from what I have seen.

    Think of the unit as more of an amp than a computer and you will be happier. I never had a problem just going straight into my 192 in analogue and guitar sounds are a fairly limited frequency range, so nothing is lost.

    Tone first is great. But come on... it has the port. Why make people buy another piece of gear? Fractal has had that capability for years now. It's not even a feature in my mind. It's just basic functionality.

    Thanks for the helpful post. I haven't tried Scarlett MixControl but I will.

  • Focusrite software blows. In the Focusrite device settings, did you make sure to chaage the clock to SPDIF instead of internal?

    It does blow. And yeah, both clocks are set to SPDIF.

    You don't buy a piece of tech for things you wish it had. You buy it for what it has right now.

    I guess I assumed since it has the port on the back that it provided that very basic function. I realized that once I plugged it in and didn't see it as an available interface. Yet I still kept it.

  • Thanks for being helpful and understanding.

    Well the problem is that I packed up my Axe III. I'll unpack it today and try it.

    Tone first is great. But come on... it has the port. Why make people buy another piece of gear? Fractal has had that capability for years now. It's not even a feature in my mind. It's just basic functionality.

    Thanks for the helpful post. I haven't tried Scarlett MixControl but I will.

    So Scarlett MixControl won't connect. I get an error that hardware is not turned on.

    However when I start FocusRite Control, I get an option of which routing option to select. If I select "Digital + Analog" then I get it to work fine.

    Whew.... that was too much of a pain in the ass.

    Thank you to those being helpful.