[K&A Profiles] Introduction!

  • Valtiel Are the packs on reverb "the last word"? I thought you were in contact with a seller? And you'll have something "completeley different" in store too?!

    I also think the pricing is way too high! I don't see any special complete bundle either.

  • Hey there! Sorry for being out of touch, the day job has been taking all my time.

    These are the profile packs I have been speaking of available on Reverb now. The descriptions are currently missing the text explaining the "Refined" profiles and what makes them different from the standard, raw ones. That will be added soon. I feel that the addition of these justifies the higher price but I will take the feedback into consideration as these listings are still a work in progress. There is an "Everything" pack as well that may have not been listed yet, stay tuned!

  • I have seen that the "Everything Pack" now is on Reverb for 411 €. And a description what the refined profiles are about ("mix ready", with eq blocks). I am not judging the sound, but the idea of mix ready / EQed profiles is nothing special at all.

    Interesting amps, good sound clips - but I still think the price for the packs (even with the savings on the full pack) is too high. You guys here know that I bought and buy (almost) everything out there - but if there is not a big sale in the future I will not buy these. BTW you have to pay for the sample pack too!

    A reasonable price for single packs in my opinion would be something between 12 and 18 € and for the full pack 260 €. If you compare to other sellers you have to consider all the promo codes and deals going on which results in a way lower price you actually pay.

  • Bought the tweed package. Sounds good. The demo's are sounding great and they sound better on the website then in reality. At least through my Blue Amps 112 Cab. Have to tweak them, when I find time to do that.

    Very interesting amp choice but the refined profiles add nothing in my opinion. Most times I like the profiles better without that kind of eq tweaking. The price? Maybe the reverb site demands a too big fee. If yes, start your own. I agree with lbot39 but it's a free market.

  • Had the chance to play with the tweed amps for almost half a day. Still not impressed with the refined profiles but...enhancing direct mix (push the amp button to get there) really makes them come alive. Give them at least 3.5. Love how they sound now.

    Overall the pricing is too high compared with other vendors (bought a Tone Mister -Fender Tone Master- package with a 'this weekend' discount for half the price), but the tweed package gives you 4 amps for about 27 euro. Can't complain about that.

  • I have seen that the "Everything Pack" now is on Reverb for 411 €. And a description what the refined profiles are about ("mix ready", with eq blocks). I am not judging the sound, but the idea of mix ready / EQed profiles is nothing special at all.

    Interesting amps, good sound clips - but I still think the price for the packs (even with the savings on the full pack) is too high. You guys here know that I bought and buy (almost) everything out there - but if there is not a big sale in the future I will not buy these. BTW you have to pay for the sample pack too!

    A reasonable price for single packs in my opinion would be something between 12 and 18 € and for the full pack 260 €. If you compare to other sellers you have to consider all the promo codes and deals going on which results in a way lower price you actually pay.

    Thank you for the feedback. I have seen other products marketed as "mix ready" but none that actually went to the lengths that I went to actually make them such. One my end it was months of work using knowledge that most people would have to pay a reasonable amount for, so that is how *I* justify the current prices anyway. I understand if other people do not see the value in that, but in that case there profiles are not for them.

    Had the chance to play with the tweed amps for almost half a day. Still not impressed with the refined profiles but...enhancing direct mix (push the amp button to get there) really makes them come alive. Give them at least 3.5. Love how they sound now.

    Overall the pricing is too high compared with other vendors (bought a Tone Mister -Fender Tone Master- package with a 'this weekend' discount for half the price), but the tweed package gives you 4 amps for about 27 euro. Can't complain about that.

    Thank you for the support! In the case of the refined profiles, if you are playing through a cabinet then I can see how they would have much less value for you. The variable that an additional enclosure + the color of the speaker can potentially negate a decent amount of the benefits of those profiles as they are meant for direct recording/direct live sound. I'm glad you've found a way to make them work for you though!

  • Just a quick feedback from me . I bought the "Vintage American Pack" and the 1970 Marshall Superlead. After listening to the demos in my opinion the Fender amps did sound the most promising. So take my money :D

    I only tested with one guitar today (Musicman Stingray Guitar), but I have to admit they sound really great! Too early to name favourites, but the overall quality is quite impressive. You get enough variety of mic and gain settings, the micing of different cabs and speakers (all studio profiles) is top notch. The "refined" profiles have some fine tweaking that make totally sense and should work great for instant recording.

    And I really love when sellers put the raw(er) profiles (called "standard profiles" here) in the pack as well. I sometimes get a better feel for the amp / rig that way and I like to have the option to start my own tweaking from a more neutral basis, tweak them for pedal use...

    So thumbs up from me :thumbup:

  • Just a quick feedback from me . I bought the "Vintage American Pack" and the 1970 Marshall Superlead. After listening to the demos in my opinion the Fender amps did sound the most promising. So take my money :D

    I only tested with one guitar today (Musicman Stingray Guitar), but I have to admit they sound really great! Too early to name favourites, but the overall quality is quite impressive. You get enough variety of mic and gain settings, the micing of different cabs and speakers (all studio profiles) is top notch. The "refined" profiles have some fine tweaking that make totally sense and should work great for instant recording.

    And I really love when sellers put the raw(er) profiles (called "standard profiles" here) in the pack as well. I sometimes get a better feel for the amp / rig that way and I like to have the option to start my own tweaking from a more neutral basis, tweak them for pedal use...

    So thumbs up from me :thumbup:

    Thanks very much for the feedback! Everything you mentioned was exactly what I was hoping/going for with these bundles and how they are presented. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything as i'd be happy to provide any details you may want!

    All the Vintage American amps were generously loaned to me by a good friend and old co-worker who was a meticulous private collector. He used to own a small high end music shop in downtown Campbell California that he told me was largely a means for him to acquire choice vintage pieces, most of which were old Fenders. Among them was also a 1964 Fender Deluxe which ended up conspicuously absent from my packs because I believe there was something wrong with it. Twice I tried micing it up and profiling only to consistently get poor results; honky and harsh while also having no top end clarity at all. Quite disappointing given how much the Deluxe is the face of vintage Fender amps for most people. Everything else turned out great I think with the 64' Vibrolux easily being my favorite, that amp was magic! The 1970 Superlead was loaned to me by another co-worker, a vintage Marshall purist who kept it stock and kept it around for collector value as he rarely played it anymore. It smelled like cigarette smoke and sounded like heaven, definitely lucky to have had access to that one!

  • What ever happened to these profiles? They are nowhere to be found on Reverb.

    I'm mainly interested in the 1962 Fender Brownface Deluxe 6G3 -- so if anyone has a suggestion on alternatives, I'm all ears. Kind of surprised that there isn't anything on the Rig Exchange for such a unique sounding amp.