Slot moving question

  • Hey guys. Have a problem and can't seem to find an answer. Checked my owners manual, checked with a fellow Kemper user, and also searched the forums but not finding the answer. although I could be missing it somehow. I am having a problem when I move slots within a performance. For example I have a performance set up called High Gain Amps in which I have:

    Slot 1 - Bogner Ecstasy
    Slot 2 - Mesa Road King (with digital delay)
    Slot 3 - Engl Powerball (with crystal delay)
    Slot 4 - Orange JR Terror

    I wanted to basically swap slots 2 & 3 so the amps would be listed alphabetically for easy reference however when I do that, it appears only the rigs move and not the effects, thus I end up with the Engl with digital delay in Slot 2 and the Road King with the crystal delay in slot 3. Is there a way to move the entire "patch"....rig, effects, everything within a performance?

    Also is there a way to do this between performances? In this instance if I want to create slots containing a Diezel VH4 and a Diezel Herbert, I would clearly need to create a "High Gain Amps 2" performance since 6 slots would be needed and shift the Orange to that #2 performance Slot 1 to keep the slots alphabetized.

  • Unfortunately you are not mentioning how you try to move Slots. It could be done
    a. in the Slot Settings of the PROFILER,
    b. via COPY/PASTE buttons
    c. in Rig Manager

    I suggest, you try the COPY/PASTE buttons. You can copy a complete Slot including all effects and paste it in another Slot even in another Performance.

  • If you use the move Slot function in Slot Settings and - before storing the Performance - load another Slot via Remote control, some of the former edits get withdrawn. This affects all the Rigs settings - practically the whole Rig moves back, while the Slot Name stays. When you load different Slots via remote control, edits are interpreted as temporary changes during a live Performances. Don't load other Slots via Remote control while you are intending to edit Slots permanently. Details are in the manual.