Can't get Kemper to communicate with audio interface

  • I am back to try again in a bit and will post results. I have not had a chance to look back since that night. I have newborn and literally just got a chance to look back at this. I do not do recording, just practice. The main reason I did this was because I am using my 11r as the interface and want to free that up, plus wanted the S/PDIF connection for possible future or so I could record/reamp if ever needed.

    I will report back but wanted to say thank you for all the help!

    I apologize for the silence, I will report back if I get it or not tonight. I just have little time to work at this right now, tough I really want to get it done.

    Edited once, last by jackson929 (September 17, 2018 at 9:58 PM).

  • Well, that's progress, Jackson! 8o

    OK, now unplug your headphones from the Kemper and plug them into your interface like a good boy. :D

    Dumb question:
    Turned the headphone-volume pot up? (Assuming the interface has one - I've already trashed the manual I downloaded in order to help you).

  • Sorry for the delay, Yes I have the headphones in the AI and there is a volume on the AI which I have turned every which with no results. I have not tried the analog outlets but currently am running the way I want through my Eleven rack (as the AI) with the analog signal.

    I am waiting to order a pair of new headphones and see if there is a problem there. The ones I have a finicky but I don't it will do much sense I get zero sound at all, I think I would at least get some crackling and noise and the PC mixer shows there is some.

    Is there a way to run the pc sound through the kemper headphones to mix with the profiles?

  • Yeah, you can. In the description below, just replace "MP3 player" with your interface's PC (main?) output/s.

    Page 50 of the manual:

    Auxiliary Input

    The Auxiliary Input function allows you to feed a stereo signal, such as a mp3-player, into your Profiler to play along with it. In the Output/Master menu, the Auxiliary Input function is equipped with three controls: one to feed the aux signal to the main outputs as well as S/PDIF OUT, and two others to feed it to the Monitor and Headphone output. This allows you, for instance, to add an additional monitor signal to your headphone output, while the main output stays unaffected. The auxiliary signal will not be affected by any internal effects.

    You will need to purchase a special cable which provides the stereo signal via two separate TS jacks. Plug the left jack into the Return Input and the right jack into the Alternative Input. Use the "Aux In ..." soft knobs to adjust the level.

    While you have an effects loop active in your Rig, or you are in Profiler Mode, the Auxiliary Input cannot be used, since the physical inputs are needed for a different purpose.

    Please do not forget to turn down Auxiliary Input volumes when you are not using it, to prevent unwanted hum and noise.