soundside profiles

  • Hi all

    i got directed to this site recently that is selling kemper profiles. Wondered if anyone had tried them, and indeed if they were superior to our (your) own efforts

    can I also say that I am blown away by this unit, and while i'm afraid I have no fantastic amps to profile, i am doing what i can to spread the word amongst my guitar playing community.

    So to echo an earlier post, huge thanks to all of you that are making and sharing profiles, its brilliant and hugely appreciated, and it really feels like we are all on a great journey together, i am sure Chris has more up his sleeve, and we are sharing the fun together



  • these profiles are being made & sold by forum user Armin.
    he does not share his profiles. :evil:

  • Yeah, Armin sells his profiles, he does however use some expensive kit, take a lot of time to get good results and does it to make a living. I've not tried them myself as there are more than enough great, free profiles out there IMHO.


  • i appreciate his freedom to sell them, enterprising i guess, and as you say he will have put a lot of work into them, my main question was one of quality, there are a some amazing profiles here, the only one of his that caught my attention was the mesa lodestar, and amp i've often lusted after, but never able to justify or afford

  • Can't see the point myself. I'd just wait for a free Lonestar profile to show up. The free sharing aspect of the community is what makes the Kemper to me and the free user profiles are of such high quality (most of the time higher than the ones that actually come with the unit) that I feel no desire to pay for profiles which in all likelihood wont be better (plus personally I'd rather keep those sort of sharks away from the KPA altogether, there was enough of that nonsense with IR's and the AxeFX and it's userbase).

  • Yeah, Armin sells his profiles, he does however use some expensive kit, take a lot of time to get good results and does it to make a living. I've not tried them myself as there are more than enough great, free profiles out there IMHO.


    I agree, anyone who prefers not to share for whatever reason(like making a living) is cool, of course free profile are always a better deal.. :) But let's not forget that Armin contributes a lot to this forum with lot's of helpful ideas to bring KPA's back to life when they die on us.. :)

  • Hey Armin --- really bro? Selling your profiles????

    Come on now man--- get into the spirit of what makes the Kemper so great.......sharing amazing profiles from killer amps with your Kemper family worldwide!


    I sincerely do appreciate and respect your entrepreneurial spirit to make a few bucks, but what is stopping someone from buying them.....

    - then you simply change the name (maybe slightly change a parameter) and re-post them for FREE on the Rig Exchange.

    To each his own, you can obviously do whatever you need to do - but I hope this trend doesn't grow.

    Not to mention, your profit making ability is so small when they are easily re-shared after purchase.

    Just wanted to get your honest feedback. It's all good.

    Stay frosty,

  • I see there are like 30 or so profiles of each amp. That does take time and don't fault, the more people share the less there will be a market for selling profiles, but totally can see large effort having a small place for possibly selling.