A track from a few years back.......

  • I recently decided I might want to sell my lovely Yamaha MSG/Image Custom guitar but as the pricing of a well known online auction site charges for lots of photos I decided to make a slideshow video instead. When looking for some music I ended up using a track I wrote and recorded a couple of years back. It was before I got my Kemper so all guitars and bass are Guitar Rig 5 plug-ins except the main lead. The main lead tone is actually a Fulltone Full Drive 2 into a Mesa Boogie VxTwin Pedal then the power amp out into Two Notes Wall of sound for a power amp emulation and cabinet IR. It was originally an exercise in step time drum programming and a test of how a non-guitar amp would respond to controlling the sound by riding the guitar’s volume knob. I’m still fairly happy with the results but wonder how it would sound replacing the plug ins with Kemper profiles. I did start remixing it the other day using only MBritt profiles but so fat haven’t got round to finishing it. Maybe one day.

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  • sounds great to me , a southern vibe like lynyrd skynyrd / allman bro

    these yam sound great , I've got a SG 1000 myself , excellent instruments , mine is almost 50 years old :o

  • Thanks. Yes I even went for a little Allman quote in the solo ;)

    The Yamaha does sound great and plays like a dream. Mine has one of the nicest tops I’ve seen on an MSG. Oh and it weighs about the same as a baby elephant :-0

    Those old SGs are fabulous guitars. Yours is nesrly as old as me but I’ll bet its in better shape :)

    The guitar on the recording is actually a PRS DGT mainly in the split coil mode. I couldn’t find a recording with the Yam. I’m in the process of selling it but I don’t think it is going to get the reserve which is based on what its worth to to let it go rather than what the market thinks its worth to buy. The logic is that I don’t need to let it go but nearly all my guitars have trems and I’m not a massive trem junkie so I would rather have another stoptail to draw on. Also, I no longer feel comfortable on the Yamaha neck profile. While it’s a great neck it is noticeably wider and shallower than all my PRS which now just feel like “home” to me. Bottom line is I don’t play it enough. Equally it’s a stunning guitar that the market seems to undervalue so why would I part with it unless I can replace it with something equally good. Basically that means a nice PRS McCarty, Hollowbody ii, Pauls Guitar or similar. I’m unlikely to get enough from the Yam after sales fees to make that viable. I may keep it open to suitable swaps but don’t think I’ll end up selling it.