Added some Marshall 8100 profiles: clean, Death, In Flames - Jester Race, Sunlight

  • I added some Marshall 8100 profiles with SM57 and Engl 2x12" cab :) Feel free to check them out in Rig Exchange!

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    JU - 8100/Dist
    Death to all butt metal! *ahem* Should be fairly close to the on-average sound Chuck had [Blocked Image:] No specific album in mind though.

    JU - 8100/JesterRace
    Aww yiss! I got fairly close to the classic In Flames album The Jester Race. It was allegedly recorded with the 8100 and possibly Boss DS-1. Since I don't have the DS-1, I used my HM-2 instead. Sounds quite close though!

    JU - 8100/HM2Xtreme
    I tried to capture the essence of the coveted Sunlight sound with the HM-2 obviously, but unfortunately the Kemper doesn't allow me to record the perfect tone I was able to get, as it has too much hiss and noise. I'll need to try again with a Noise Gate pedal, but for now this is as much gain as you can muster! Still plenty for Dismember, Entombed, etc.

    JU - 8100/Clean
    Your standard Marshall clean sound with a bit of its built-in reverb, which isn't too bad for a 100 euro amp [Blocked Image:]

    Have fun 8)

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000

    Edited 2 times, last by Torniojaws (August 3, 2018 at 12:05 PM).

  • In Flames used a Boss HM-2 boosted with something tighter on its front (could be a MT-2, or a tubescreamer or something akin) going into the crunch of the VS8100 with the contour either on the leftmost side or the rightmost side AFAIK, well at least that's what Fredrik Nordström told me when I asked him regarding the valvestate settings. He can't remember the pedals either, it could be a HM-2 or a MT-2 or both of them, but I think the HM-2 has some boost in front of it going on, because otherwise it's not tight at all unless maxed out like a chainsaw, and well, it's not the chainsaw setting on Gothenburg style Melodic Death Metal obviously.

    The Jester Race tone you've dialed in sounds actually more Stockholm-like, though it's still a very nice tone indeed. I'd actually call it more "sunlight" like than the one indicated as such, I'll try tweaking them both to see if something interesting comes up!

    I'd also like to mention that the Kemper has slight problems when trying to profile certain "unconventional" distortion types (like the HM-2 itself), some fuzzboxes, a handful of amps etc... I'd gladly like to brainstorm about dialing in the VS8100 profiles ready to be used with a real HM-2 going on in front of the Kemper itself, it could be both interesting and fun! Also, I suppose the cabinets used in Studio Fredman back then were either Marshall 1960's with V30's or T75's, probably with the dual sm57 "fredman miking" technique applied.


  • For the second round, after I get a noise gate pedal, I'll probably add one profile closer to Death's Symbolic, which is far more scooped than any of the 8100 profiles I have so far. And of course a second attempt at the "correct" Sunlight tone :)

    In Flames used a Boss HM-2 boosted with something tighter on its front (could be a MT-2, or a tubescreamer or something akin) going into the crunch of the VS8100 with the contour either on the leftmost side or the rightmost side AFAIK,

    Boosting a boost - I like it! ;) Unfortunately I don't have an MT-2, but I could try with a Boss SD-1.
    The contour is most likely all the way left then, since that makes the sound more scooped-sounding, which is what The Jester Race sounds like.

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000

  • For the second round, after I get a noise gate pedal, I'll probably add one profile closer to Death's Symbolic, which is far more scooped than any of the 8100 profiles I have so far. And of course a second attempt at the "correct" Sunlight tone :)

    Boosting a boost - I like it! ;) Unfortunately I don't have an MT-2, but I could try with a Boss SD-1.The contour is most likely all the way left then, since that makes the sound more scooped-sounding, which is what The Jester Race sounds like.

    Yeah, kind of. It's more of a tightener, errr "highpasser" on the HM-2 since it's too flubby or fuzzbox-like when it's not maxed out, but still retains the iconic growl and gnarl to it. In a Gothenburg type of setting, I actually use it like Guitar > Boss SD-1 or Tubescreamer (tone probably maxed or at least cranked until it's tight enough, level 12 o clock, gain minimal) > Boss HM-2 (Level maxed, lows around 2 o'clock ish, then highs around 1 o'clockish, dist almost none or minimally bumped) > Solid State amp crunched up or sliiiightly beyond breakup, adjust the gain from the pushed clean/crunch channel to taste.

    You should aim for that plastic-y pick attack voicing, tight enough like a MT-2 boosting an amp, but not as shrill and somehow retaining a tiny touch of buzzsaw voicing underneath.

  • Hello Guys.
    I always thought that Jesper and Bjorn used JCM800 for their sound.
    Is there any profile that resambles de audio from "Siren Charms"?

    He uses the JCM800 live, but the majority of In Flames albums have the classic Peavey 5150. On the ones after Jesper left, they have used various amps. Couldn't find what they used on Siren, but the ones before it had at least an Orange amp of sorts. You could try profiles of Orange Tiny Terror for example for the new sound. For the older sound (before 2004), a 5150/6505 will get you there without problems.

    After a quick listen, Siren does sound a bit Marshall-y, so it might be the JCM800.

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000

    Edited once, last by Torniojaws (August 17, 2018 at 6:31 PM).

  • Got my noise gate now, but unfortunately the Kemper still refuses to profile the "proper" HM-2 profile. It simply throws an error: "Amp is too noisy", even though through the noise gate it is actually *very* quiet (for a HM-2 boosted amp).

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000

  • Got my noise gate now, but unfortunately the Kemper still refuses to profile the "proper" HM-2 profile. It simply throws an error: "Amp is too noisy", even though through the noise gate it is actually *very* quiet (for a HM-2 boosted amp).

    Hey man, can't use a noise gate while profiling. Says so in the manual. It messes with the profiling process.

    It's something I had suggested to Kemper Amps earlier, because so many classic death and black metal tones are made with boxes like the HM2, which really need a noise gate to cut down on the white noise. There's a request in the feature request section, do support it.

  • It's something I had suggested to Kemper Amps earlier, because so many classic death and black metal tones are made with boxes like the HM2, which really need a noise gate to cut down on the white noise. There's a request in the feature request section, do support it.

    Hmm, I just had an idea that could be worth a try:

    • Profile the amp normally, without the HM-2
    • Then profile the profile(!) except through the HM-2
    • In theory, it could help against the "amp too noisy" problem

    But this would require two Kempers to do:

    • Kemper 1 has the normal profile
    • Kemper 2 in profiler mode, with the output going to the HM-2 and then into Kemper 1 input
    • The Kemper 1 output is then sent to Kemper 2 input and profiled.

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000

  • Hmm, I just had an idea that could be worth a try:

    • Profile the amp normally, without the HM-2
    • Then profile the profile(!) except through the HM-2
    • In theory, it could help against the "amp too noisy" problem

    But this would require two Kempers to do:

    • Kemper 1 has the normal profile
    • Kemper 2 in profiler mode, with the output going to the HM-2 and then into Kemper 1 input
    • The Kemper 1 output is then sent to Kemper 2 input and profiled.

    I think to profile the Profiler though, you need to turn off the noise gate. If you even do that with regular profiles, it can get plenty noisy. Add the HM-2 and it will be a whole lot of noise, I think.

    Still, worth a shot!

  • Never actually tried profiling something other than some Mesa MK3 setting that was being used to record a band's rhythm guitars at a friends studio, although it was damn so accurate I didn't like the tone overall, so I basically trashed it. It did have GOBS of gain on the amp, almost maxed out and with a tubescreamer in front (because the guitar player had the wussy wrist syndrome, his right hand was what was lacking in gain lol, they cranked it to compensate) and the Kemper didn't seem to have a problem with profiling, but it's no HM-2 of course.

    Sometime soon, probably in a few months, I'm going to profile a Carvin X100B made in 1983 with EL34's with various pedals, but I doubt that it will be able to successfully recreate the pedals in front except a Tubescreamer, from all the profiles I've tried with "non-standard distortion" ala HM-2's, various fuzzboxes or dirtboxes, Kemper seems to have problems capturing their characters. People seem to have the same problems too, from what I've read all across the boards and the facebook group.

    Are you dialing-in any distortion from the HM-2 by the way? Could that be the culprit of the noise? The dist knob barely adds any usable gain above 9 o'clock and just keeps compressing the signal, adding gobs of noise, and slightly having some gain bump over 3 o'clock to max, ends up being in unintelligible mush territory. You could try something like maxing-out the contour to the scoop side, then dial in some mids, maybe on the OD1 or the clean channel crunched out, and then boost it with the HM-2 highs cranked for stockholm?

  • Are you dialing-in any distortion from the HM-2 by the way? Could that be the culprit of the noise? The dist knob barely adds any usable gain above 9 o'clock and just keeps compressing the signal, adding gobs of noise, and slightly having some gain bump over 3 o'clock to max, ends up being in unintelligible mush territory. You could try something like maxing-out the contour to the scoop side, then dial in some mids, maybe on the OD1 or the clean channel crunched out, and then boost it with the HM-2 highs cranked for stockholm?

    I tried multiple ways with the gain. Eg.
    - Clean amp with a bit less gain on the HM-2
    - Lead channel with even less gain on the HM-2
    - "middle" positions, etc

    But while you can in som cases profile it, it does not sound anything like the room sound. As you mentioned, the Kemper seems to have trouble catching those special types of distortion.

    For others' information:

    HM-2 waveform (blue) at the classic settings:
    [Blocked Image:]

    And more "traditional" distortion pedals:
    [Blocked Image:]

    And a fuzz pedal waveform:
    [Blocked Image:]

    The HM-2 and fuzz waveforms are completely different from "normal" distortion waveforms, and it appears the Kemper is unable to profile that. I think they are both called asymmetrical distortion, but not sure?

    Vortech - Finnish Industrial Death Metal since 2000