[LRS] Free Update to Matchbox 30, Based on a Matchless HC30

  • For an amp that was not made for cleans, some of the profiles are surprisingly good, I would have no issue using these live, especially with adding more effects like I would for cleans live. Quick improv, flubbed notes and all, no post-processing at all, the only thing I changed was to turn the AMP block compressor up to about 6.

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    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Thanks Tim! That's really where my passion lies as well. It's fun to noodle around like this, and I have a good time doing the cover backing track demos, but I really need to get a little more done on the writing side of things. I've been in a block for a while now. Making the demos actually helps me feel not so bad about that, at least i'm being somewhat musically productive. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Just checking out update V6 and 7 and found this

    Profile LRS Ares OS30/90 02

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    Thanks for these rigs Tim!!!!!! Pure fun

  • #Return of Lightning Fingers Part III

    Sounds amazing Frank!

    More greatness is on the horizon with this amp. :)

    Man , I didn't know this amp before you profiled it and I must say it is def a gem.

    Combined with the kpa fx like boost and so on it is so versatile and the sound is very cool. You can go from beefy chrunch to high gain stuff and also smooth solosounds.


    How much more will you get for the bucks? And as I know Tim this is not the end.

    My top 3 packs are



    Ksr Ares

    You can reach every sound with this combi and what many didn't see is how many cabs and mics and combinations of this are used

    Worth the money

  • I am buying this pack as soon as i finish testing the 3 million updates he has put in all the other packs LOL

    Smooth and classy playing Frank. love it man. I know this much when Frank see's a gem , it always is a gem!. You can quote me on that.

    Great playing/ tone Locrain too man as always

    Never any voodoo or magic with Franks Tone, its always straight up.

    only 1 million updates to finish testing from Tim (He prob already added another update as you read this LOL)

    Then i can get this pack.


    Have a beer and don't sneer. -CJ. Two non powered Kempers -Two mission stereo FRFR Cabs - Ditto X4 -TC electronic Mimiq.

  • Most likely much more :)

    I had heard of these amps aka Rhodes but hadn't played one. Super super happy with it. It feels and reacts to the guitar and pedal the best I have every had. The amp just seems like an authentic tube tone generator. It lets you sculpt what it sounds like.

    While the cleans are not really there it does gain tones masterfully.

  • Great for lead and riffs. The cleans are not good. Not Tim's fault I gather. I didn't know this amp, so it's a pleasing discovery.

    Thanks for reporting CJ!

    On the cleans, when I posted this pack I specifically said there would be no cleans as it has no clean channel.

    Frank had requested some as he liked the clean he got from lowering the gain on some. Well, I fear it was a mistake to try...

    On the bright side, I LOVE the amp :)

  • See what Phil X is playing!

    Nice amp!!!

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  • I'm still trying to ease back into playing, after my arm issues and time off, but I have a funny story for you. I rarely mess with the Rig Exchange, since I have so many profiles I've bought. Since I took some time off, I wanted to see what was new out there. For the past couple of days, just about everything I tried sounded great.

    Today, I realized I hadn't tried the 2204 update you did with directs. I don't usually mess with directs and other cabs, but I said, "What the hell." I thought it was odd how good the direct profile sounded, with no cab. Then, I saw that there was a cab. At that point, I realized that I had the cab block locked, and sure enough, it was one of YOUR cabs.

    I unlocked it, and switched profiles, and the cab was gone. The good news is, whatever cab that was made damn near everything sound absolutely wonderful. The bad news is, I have no idea what cab it was. I know it was one of V30 ones . It was probably from the new BE, since that's what I use the most. I just figured I'd share my story of the day!

  • Awesome Patrick!

    You know the 2204 is a special amp in every respect. One of those times when an amp builder ran out of the those corner cutting components and were forced to use great quality parts.

    After doing the DA profiles I was blow away at how great they sounded through a real cab. I mean as good as the best mooded Marshall. I can imagine they are just as good with a great Kemper cab.