Looking For: Kemper Remote $400 shipped

  • Better keep your trigger finger ready. There's a reason they don't last long at $400, At that price, demand considerably outstrips supply.

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • Unless you buy the remote with your profiler , the only place to get them new is from the kemper online store
    469.00 from the U.S. store and yes 400.00 GBP so it seems there are not as many remotes in the used market as there is KPA's
    I've been looking for a deal on one for a while , Our weak dollar adds 30% to the price

    I was going to buy one but The U.K. website wouldn't take my cc and kemper didn't help me at all
    I find the the expression pedal is pricey as well for what it does!

  • Correct, I have been looking for a good deal but have not been able to find one. Then I visited the kemper store . Nuff Said!

    Did you buy one from the US store because they're out of stock according to the site? Remote

    @Greg Boboski You'd be looking at the $750 range, CAD (all in shipping), new from the US store. You might want to try your card again or send in a support email. I'm sure they will help you, man.

    @Yzman82 just bought one from the UK :thumbup:

    @Tcosteenjr72357 I see them n the used market for $500 CAD here and there so $400 US is very possible. Gotta be quick, like @Locrian says! :D

  • No I have not bought anything yet..Every one I've come across(used) was beat on pretty bad , 2 had glued velcro on the bottom, one had missing feet on the under side. All asking $400. Might as well pay the extra $70 and get a brand new one with full warranty.

  • The velcro can be removed easily and the glue residue wipes off with Naptha so you would never know it had been there.

    Having said that, the one I picked up the other week was/is in perfect condition and looks like new.

    I have no problem buying used gear BUT if I’m taking the risk I expect the price to reflect it. Mine was equivalent of $360 US which I consider fair depreciation for a good condition used pedal. That’s FAIR not GREAT or BARGAIN. At $400 and up I would just buy new.

  • Did you buy one from the US store because they're out of stock according to the site? Remote
    @Greg Boboski You'd be looking at the $750 range, CAD (all in shipping), new from the US store. You might want to try your card again or send in a support email. I'm sure they will help you, man.

    @Yzman82 just bought one from the UK :thumbup:

    @Tcosteenjr72357 I see them n the used market for $500 CAD here and there so $400 US is very possible. Gotta be quick, like @Locrian says! :D

    Did you mean I purchased from UK or I live in UK ? I am from Newfoundland, Canada.

    I bought the remote using PayPal, smooth transaction without issue through the online Kemper Canadian store :thumbup:

    I’m almost positive that Canada signed a free trade agreement with the European Union (Germany included) called CETA. My research leads me to believe that 99% of goods (electronics and musical instruments included) from the European Union should be duty free. I will be calling Canadian Customs today to get an answer on this. If this is correct and GmbH has completed the export paper work correctly with manufacture origin declaration then anyone who has paid duty in Canada for a Kemper product (or 99% of products manufactured in any state of the European Union) since September 21, 2017 should be able to dispute the charges by filling out a form and be reimbursed by the Canadian border service. This may be a mistake on DHL’s brokerage behalf as their brokerage agents would assess the charges on behalf of the Canadian government.

    Will report back as soon as I know more.

    Edited once, last by Yzman82 (July 31, 2018 at 11:58 AM).

  • The velcro can be removed easily and the glue residue wipes off with Naptha so you would never know it had been there.

    Having said that, the one I picked up the other week was/is in perfect condition and looks like new.

    I have no problem buying used gear BUT if I’m taking the risk I expect the price to reflect it. Mine was equivalent of $360 US which I consider fair depreciation for a good condition used pedal. That’s FAIR not GREAT or BARGAIN. At $400 and up I would just buy new.

    I have NP buying used gear either,When it looks beat to S**T,thats a different story

  • Yup , kemper support was useless and unapologetic , just saying , oh it should work, my cc company confirmed in real time it was not on their end , If someone from kemper was stepping up I'd have thought they'd say call us or arrange with the distributer [ my best deal was buying from the uk at the time , exchange rate is worse now ] to buy over the phone!
    it's in the 6-700 range now and it's not the world's greatest controller , convenient and well matched so I'd prefer it over a cheaper Berhringer , but if I'm going to spend upwards of 7-800
    I'll spend a little more and get a Helix floorboard instead.

    KEMPER ! Are you listening ?

  • Yup , kemper support was useless and unapologetic , just saying , oh it should work, my cc company confirmed in real time it was not on their end , If someone from kemper was stepping up I'd have thought they'd say call us or arrange with the distributer [ my best deal was buying from the uk at the time , exchange rate is worse now ] to buy over the phone!
    it's in the 6-700 range now and it's not the world's greatest controller , convenient and well matched so I'd prefer it over a cheaper Berhringer , but if I'm going to spend upwards of 7-800
    I'll spend a little more and get a Helix floorboard instead.

    KEMPER ! Are you listening ?

    Greg, Im not getting what you're ranting about. 6-700? for a remote? As stated, I just bought a new remote for $469 shipped.