• The H8000 is from the “studio world” ;)

    The H8000FW offers four channels of pristine analog I/O combined with eight channels of AES/EBU, ADAT, and S/PDIF I/O. New FireWire I/O now allows direct connection to your Mac or PC so you can directly patch 24-bit audio to and from the eight inputs and outputs.

    I've been using mine in my live rig for over 10 years. In fact I have S/N 666 which is the test/beta machine from Eventide's Scott Gilfix.

  • I am not sure if that everyone would be pleased by changing the user scales from a relative to an absolute representation.That would also mean, that the naming of the steps would be dependend of the actual key and thus change whenever the key is changes.
    At least I would not like it as I think in intervals rather than in absolute pitches.

    Hi Christoph. Surely it would be easy enough to let users select which view they prefer (a bit like bubble or strobe tuner) ?

    Oh, and I use the formant shift too. It's excellent!

  • Either way, once you have the scale set up you can forget it and save the rig. Probably there are better things to spend time on at this stage.

    You can see from the editor issue that Kemper always prioritise updates that make a difference to tone and sound first and that gets my vote.


    Kemper Rack OS 10.2.2 - Mac Sonoma 14.5

  • I can appreciate your position however, as a musician I and many others think musical notes and not intervals initially. Intervals represent a mathematical communication to musicians and not a musical note staff representation.
    I can see your point regarding key changes but anyone who knows their scale notes per key would be perfectly fine with the change.

    I believe many people who don't know formal music theory/notation would still far better relate to actual notes to create custom scale harmonies than intervals.

    I completely feel uncomfortable citing/mentioning the Eventide product to you however, Eventide display notes and they do so for a musical reason.

    I have respect for your product and implementations but in this instance please don't be different just for the sake of it.

    This is a BIG ask and I feel awkward requesting it but can you offer the 2 GUIs in a release and the user selects which one they want to use?

    I looked into the Eclipse manual again.
    They use chromatic intervals as well. (100 cent, 200 cent etc.)
    I cannot remember seeing user scales being set in absolute rather than in intervals anywhere else...

  • I looked into the Eclipse manual again.
    They use chromatic intervals as well. (100 cent, 200 cent etc.)
    I cannot remember seeing user scales being set in absolute rather than in intervals anywhere else...

    @ckemper I can't remember anyone profiling amps until YOU invented it !

    Someone always has to be first ;)

    Just joking. I'm only yanking your chain.

    I don't feel strongly either way. If it is easy to do (which I am guessing it is) then why not pick the low hanging fruit. if it's difficult and time consuming then there are plenty of things I would rather see improved - Rig Manager for a start.

    The KPA is an awesome piece of kit already. Obviously we all have things we would like to see introduced or existing things improved but you can't please everyone all of the time. As long as you and the team are listening to users requests I figure we will see improvements continue and these will hopefully be prioritised based on user demand.

  • I am sure if we implemented this in short term, many other users would accuse us of loosing the focus of what‘s really important for a majority.

    Have you tried the Formant Correction? :)

    Yes, but I do prefer it off for my use.

    I can appreciate people complaining however, if it's just a GUI change, because the core functionality is in place, they should appreciate it as a 'slight' change and NOT taking your eye off the ball.

    Your shifter is great but it just needs the GUI change and it challenges/surpasses the H8000.

  • I am sure if we implemented this in short term, many other users would accuse us of loosing the focus of what‘s really important for a majority.

    They might accuse you of that. They might not even notice, since it is a pretty simple and subtle change.

    You are my hero. That said...

    It's either a good idea or it''s not. If you were really that concerned about criticism from users about pritorization of feature implementation...well, we all know which feature would be here by now. :D
    The request you're discussing is a very simple UI adjustment, which would require...not much. Maybe I deeply misunderstand the complexity of programming the KPA...

    But you do things you own way, and I love it. I don't care when we get an editor. I care that you made me believe in digital amps again. I just bought one a few months ago, and I cannot believe it took me so long. Best gear purchase of my life.

    I guess if I had a TLDR, it would be "You are a revolutionary. You have destroyed the way I think about amplifiers, and the KPA is the single greatest purchase of my life, not even kidding....

    But in as much time as you spent replying to these posts, you could have told somebody "hey, this could be useful to some people, especially considering that some competition *does* offer this feature, please make that "label switchable" (which is really all we're talking about here)...and it'd be done.

    But you do you and that's why I am along for this killer ride. :D

    Disclaimer: When I post demo clips for profiles, there will be some minimal post-processing, unless stated otherwise. I normally double-track hard L/R, and add to the main buss a small amount of EQ and a limiter/comp set pretty light as well. Sometimes I get test profiles in advance of release, though 90% of my clips will be from packs I have purchased.

  • If not done already, then add to feature requests and see what the response is.

    I have to sympathize with CK here in that I can imagine that criticism coming when there are other features demanded so highly.

    So in order to balance the demand with the effort ( only Kemper know the real effort), see what the demand is in "feature requests".