Reached a wall with my Kemper.

  • That sounds much better.
    Definition high and using the bridge pickups drastically change the sound to the better, I think.
    Anyway, you have your guitar tone control all the way up?

    I did not say it sounds good, but better than the clip before.
    We can exclude , that there is technical problems in the profiler or the following signal flow.
    Still some question remains, including if you checked other profiles.
    How about the tone control again?

  • A pro studio could take a POD HD and get better results than me. I think the comparison with a pro studio isn't an accurate one, as I'm not a pro studio or engineer and most of us here are not.

    And don't forget, many pro studios and players are sticking to miking amps.

    Thanks in advance for sending the package.

  • Personally, I wish someone would delete the whole of this thread. It seems, despite expert advice/suggestions, the OP is content to continue, ad nauseum, this pointless quest of not supplying adequate information in order to allow a satisfactory conclusion to his issues. Subsequently, being hyper critical of a unique unit, which really seems like a case of 'a bad workman blaming his tools'. A UK saying...

    I confess, I just wish he'd throw both his Kemper and himself off a cliff....
    My eyes & ears are bleeding from this infinite whining.

    You absolute twat.

    Your blocked, don't forget to have the final say.

  • I did not say it sounds good, but better than the clip before.We can exclude , that there is technical problems in the profiler or the following signal flow.
    Still some question remains, including if you checked other profiles.
    How about the tone control again?

    Thanks for the response. I've tried every profile on the Kemper website, put the tone controls in many different positions. My strats are sounding ok in the bridge positions but not great.

  • I've received a message from a member of this forum, he pointed out that critical conversations are difficult on this forum due to the fanboys.

    Now there will always be idiots online, especially during school holidays. And I appreciate that many of you have been trying to help. But there are some of you that are sounding like Line 6 fanboys of yesteryear. Used to be anyone who spoke out against POD or Ax FX literally faced online bullying. On this thread, little twat boy LiamUK thinks that I should end my life as I don't like his toys and he's probably just failed his GCSE's.

    If the Kemper really is that good, why do people need to throw insults to prove it? Why do people get ganged up on and chased off forums, if this product is the ultimate and making you so happy? Someone who has to resort to insults, doesn't sound too happy to me.

    It doesn't affect me if somebody doesn't like the Fender Strat. POD fanboy spewing hatred online, probably doesn't use POD anymore. I'm still using the Fender Strat. Real contentment with gear is a timeless thing, and if its real contentment it shouldn't be getting you angry.