New update 1.0.6

  • Please tell me it exists!!!! Pleeeeeaaaase!!!! 8o

    No, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, you're hearing things, :D :D :D :D :D

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I have a different problem.

    When you boot up you land up on the last rig you were using, that's fine because it's always one of my own LW rigs.
    But, turn the browse knob and you're back at rig #1....I want to be back where I was before at my LW rigs.
    Pressing Date, Author or Name doesn't get me back to used to prior to1.04.

    Turn Browse once and check the Rig Autoload case (4th soft button)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Ok, here's the clip:

    1 is the sound right after booting up
    2 is the sound after rig change and going back to the same
    3 is the sound I recorded on the 11 February with 1.02 and just cut out of the song

    Obviously 2 and 3 are the same.

    There's no eq change or anything on the rig - it's a pure profile I did with the Kemper without any "onboard" effects, stomps etc and all EQ controls at 12 o'clock ever since I created that Rig.

    I was having the same impression when I just played the Kemper in the studio. The sound after changing the Rig felt much better, more dynamic and responsive....

    Sorry for the shitty playing btw - I did this super quick to relief us all from this bane!

  • Nono, surely not the winner here. I was thinking all the weekend that the sound after boot up is the good one - so, we are all looking a little stupid now....mmhhh, but I was just playing with headphones all weekend and not listening to the sound on good speakers - so....maybe that will be ok as an excuse...???

  • You know what it is, I figured it out.
    Hear a dull sound for a long period of time. Then switch back to a clear sound. The clear sound now is "piercingly bright".
    The other way around: hear a super bright sound for a long period of time, then switch to a sound with reduced brights. The sound now is super super dull!

    When I booted up and started playing - I was listening to a dull version of my rig. Then, naturally, after switching rigs and returning to the "true sound" of my rig, it suddenly appeared super thin and piercingly bright.

    Your clip, Capitancamparro - is a perfect demonstration.
    When the first part starts one thinks "that sounds good". Then the second part starts and it is rather bright. By the time the third part starts one's ears have adjusted and you get - "this sounds right". Now play the first part again, and everything sounds super dull!

    So I was a victim of this bug, altering my perception of what is bright/dull. :D:D:D

    Seriously now - try it.

    Edited 3 times, last by schneidas (March 12, 2012 at 6:29 PM).

  • On this track the different sounds are obvious
    But you can't scare an old man like this. I just fall off my chair because I had cranked up my volume and the gain of the track is very high.
    By the way how did you get so much clipping in that track :D

    I do not know what you mean

    level is normal I am in protools 10 ?(

  • I'm measuring 3.6mS (156 samples) -> 5mS (227 samples) here, just running impulses and scrolling through a bunch of rigs for comparison. 3.6mS is for a loopback (do-nothing) rig, but the rig latencies tend to lean toward the 3.5mS rather than the 5.6mS end of things. Very good. YMMV with external loop or FX on, not being comprehensive here.



  • If anyone wants to recreate the switch on bug (and hasn't been able to yet) Do the following.

    1) Set up your system settings to AutoLoad Rigs, this will enable you to switch back and forth between the last rig you used.
    2) Go into your input settings, and set your noise gate down to 0, then lock the input section, you may also want to set your clean and dirty input sens to 0.
    3) Switch to the "Mr Nice Guy" rig that comes with the KPA, don't change any settings in there, just leave it at it's defaults.
    4) Switch off your KPA
    5) Switch it back on, now play some open chords and listen to the tone.
    6) Now using the rig buttons on the right hand side of your KPA press the right button then the left button to switch away from and then back to the "Mr Nice Guy" rig.
    7) Play the same open chords as before and listen to the tone, you should notice it being markedly brighter and lacking in bass and mids.

    Hopefully that will help. Whichever is the correct one it's important that the KPA is consistent no matter what the setting. With that particular rig i prefer the boot up sound, but with e.g. the UWE jtm's I prefer the "switched" sound. Either way it shouldn't change.