I heard a rumor about a new Kemper Reverb that compete BIG SKY or IMMERSE type of reverb

  • Hi Preacher,

    Thanks for the well thought-out reply.

    Kemper isn't restricting their communications with regards to features, only the timeline (afaik). I agree with your assessment that the likely advantages of communications outweigh the negatives. After all, how many of us are there on this forum compared to the total number of Kemper users?

    Personally, I feel like the KPA is rapidly approaching a point where no further updates should be required. Will the community still want more? Sure. Always do. The question is, does the KPA need many more updates in order to maintain its position in the market? I am personally thinking it doesn't, but that is purely my opinion.

    For my purposes (live gigging and practicing at home), the KPA is already the best solution on the market at a price point well below its closest competitor.

    There may be other use cases where the KPA lags (like the editor); however, I seriously doubt that the KPA will ever rival the Axe with respect to the editor.

    The KPA was designed from the ground up to be a tube amp purist replacement. The Axe was designed as a digital replacement for said amplifier with configuration capability front-and-center as its Unique Sales Propositions (USP's).

    It is hard to imagine the KPA attempting to morph itself into an Axe. It really goes against the very fiber of the design goals of the device. It is equally impossible to see the Axe becoming as easy to use as the KPA.

    This left turn in discussion is only an example of why I feel that the updates for the KPA may well be slowing and stopping soon.... since I know there are many who yearn for a comprehensive editor from Kemper (although I think the Toast ME is quite good as it is).

    Verbs, Navigation, maybe some better drive stomps are all I can see as "bang for the buck" improvements to the device. With this next release, nearly all of those will be done :)

    .... which is why I am so looking forward to those rich new verbs and improved navigation (I don't use the stomps much myself) :)

  • does the KPA need many more updates in order to maintain its position in the market? I am personally thinking it doesn't, but that is purely my opinion.

    I'm personally think yes to maintain its position for a long time.

    But mostly, I 'm sure it can be improve a lot with this hardware.

    Except the new reverbs that are coming (if nothing changed) I personnaly think they can make and improve more distortion/overdrive stomp (I'm stomp guy and actual drive are the weakness of the kemper sounds for me especially when you see the number of great stomp on the market =)

    I'm also sure it can have more modulation effects with more variety of chorus etc .

    An editor would be so nice too, spoke with a lot of computer/studio/geek guys for who it's a must have and can't imagine buy a kemper without it. It's not my case and can do without it but for some tweaking I must say it's a little bit discouraging to turn those knobs infinitely... (also why turnig through all effect, not easier if we could choose a tipe of effetc then "browse" only those type ?)

    In my dreams (I really think it's possible) I see a lot of synth sound and also a vocoder using the mic input. <3

    More the Kemper will be an "All in one" solution (for me, i know we are all different and don't need same things), more it will please me.

    Will I still love my Kemper whithout that ? Of course, not 1% less !!

    Will I prefer my kemper with all that ? Waaayyyy more !!

    Will i be disappointed if those great reverbs don't come to Kemper 1 ? Yes very much.

  • I don't think the development over there is that much affected by marketing - user feedback, yes, definitely, but marketing, not much.

    If development wasn't affected by marketing they would have gone out of business years ago. As much as I pick on the sales guys, that's where the money for salaries and R&D comes from.

    instead of writing useless mobile apps and adding 4k rez touch displays with youtube built in.

    If they were affected by marketing then we would have twenty different versions of the profiler by now. 8)

    My guess is that unlike most corporations, the marketing guys are all guitarists who actually use the product. :huh: An oddity in the animal kingdom, to be sure! :)

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • Twas the night before Christmas,

    and all through the net

    Kemper owners were dreaming

    of what they might get.

    Sorry guys .... just couldn't help myself :)


    Man, you are just plain mean! I think that everyone that read that was just seconds away from rushing off to the downloads page :)

    Merry Christmas everyone.

  • It has always been very interesting for me to read what programmers and ITguys have to say..and all their words remind me of how "far behind" I am as a guy who always thought in terms of "analog sounds better"..but..more or less I am the "typical customer" of the Kemper.90% of all guitar players out there are "just like me".Absolutely tube amp crackheads pulling and pushing their tons of heay equipment for years (if not decades")through this word of always tighter getting boundaries and "evil rules" for what to do with loud,good music..

    Some people may say what they want.About "updates" "buisness policies" or "marketing" or whatever.."communication" is good but the more or less old school guys using tube amps have already enough to do with their mobile phones,laptops,facebook and (if their are younger) instagramm.I see also my friends which are IT guys comming home every evening and "just having enough" of it.

    What kemper does is the only way to do something which is till yet a unique experiment....Maybe not only ie music instruments but in general.Till yet..the journey was only in one direction:Making all heavy,huge,stinky,dirty & sexy analogue stuff smaller,more practical,easy to use,fitting everywhere..but all this to the price of getting "less real",less beautiful,less sexy.Less good sounding.Less impressive.Just a "copy".Practical yes.Great,beautiful,sexy;No.

    The Kemper actually strikes back.

    It is digital,it has software,it is at the first sight also "not the real thing" and not that different "from the digital rest"but after you look twice it is the first device which brings us back again from the digital world into the "analog side of things".And I mean not only the product itself but the whole thing.Product,philosophy,marketing...and last but not least:Sound.Feeling.Approach.The whole kemper company folloes this path.The boss,the employees,the marketing.Good.Fukc the editor.Use real buttons!

    I hope Kemper does contuinue with this way of doing things.Actually I believe that IF they do so it will be the only way to survive all the others with their "more,faster,bigger" and whatever makes a musician at some point to turn away and to search again for the "real thing"..and yes..sorry for being again the "graphic old school guy" but this "real thing" is the thing which is all about right;Specially in a world which has become unsecure,fast,digital and interchangable.A musician just wants to make music.Everywhere.On small stages.Big stages.At home.With friends.In the studio.No matter where as long as it sounds good and "the feeling is right".

    All these requests and questions about the newest updates are strange to me.I mean now in 2019.People spending time for asking about these things but dont have time to read some hundred older threads about the Kemper philosophy and its updates release policy since 2013;I mean we had the same discussions since 2016 about the delays and last not least the editor;I mean you spend 2000 bucks without to inform yourself a little bit about what you get;Really;

  • I mean you spend 2000 bucks without to inform yourself a little bit about what you get;Really;

    As an early user, I bought a 2000 bucks hardware that I knew, at that time, it was an unfinished thing. We have probably that in mind more than newer user.

    The new reverbs are teased since a while so nothing strange to talk about and looking forward to use them.

    Some people don't except anything more, other except a lot more, there is no right or wrong for me.

  • Hi Pixelman..

    I will be honest to you..I think Kemper should not have made any comment about the new reverbs.I remember very well the whining here in this blog some years ago after the delays were announced and then..months went by and nothing..only moaning and whining..the discussion about the editor ofcourse is another mess and I will not even start with this.Announcements bring nothing good.Only pressure on the development team.I guess I dont need to be in the IT buisness to grasp this little truth.

    I use the new delays extensivly right now (doing soundtrack/TV-stuff) and I will be one of the luckiest guys when the new reverbs appear..but..much more important for me is that the system as a whole is stable and reliable.Indeed I would be in deep trouble right now with a faulty,buggy Kemper.And this is my truth!Even when the new reverbs appear I will wait untill the release and will not install the beta.The other solution would be for me to buy me a second KPA which I really need..the only problem is that I also have the feeling that we will see sooner or later a new Kemper product and I dont have the $ to buy so much gear.

    What do I try to tell you with all this;Well..I guess you will understand me very well when I tell you that I bought the KPA for small live gigs.To be able to play in small places with a great sound through FRFR.To my surprise I started to use the KPA also in the studio.I did not expect that.

    Today I just "cant life" anymore without this box.I need it desperatly for everything I do everyday.And this is something only a very special tool can give you.Do I care about the two years without any update?Yes.Maybe.Or not?Dont know..I just dont have the time for all this.I am just thankfull that I have a tool which really,really helps me on a daily basis to the same degree as it inspires me.

  • It was more poetic to talk about the "delay of the new delays" ;)

    I tend to agree that announcing the verbs when they did, then releasing video of how good they sound, is resulting is some noise about when they will .... or should have been ... be released.

    Still, is this a bad thing? "Any press is good press" does get people thinking and talking about the product .... which is, after all, a very good product without any real viable competition at its price point (unless you want to consider used Axe II Fx rigs).

    It is digital,it has software,it is at the first sight also "not the real thing" and not that different "from the digital rest"but after you look twice it is the first device which brings us back again from the digital world into the "analog side of things".And I mean not only the product itself but the whole thing.Product,philosophy,marketing...and last but not least:Sound.Feeling.Approach.The whole kemper company folloes this path.The boss,the employees,the marketing.Good.Fukc the editor.Use real buttons!

    I completely agree. Kemper has targeted "tube purists" like you and myself who have lugged decades of heavy tube amps and cabs to the stage. For me, this is a home run in functionality and capability.

    I would say that I strongly feel that there is a market that Kemper is missing out on with their current product. A floor-board model of the KPA with a tablet app and PC app for setup and modifications would bring the tone of the current KPA to a price point around $1000-$1500 (like the competing products Helix and AX8). A Kemper engine compared to either of these products would give Kemper tone at a lower price point (realistically, a gigging rig with a Kemper is at least $2200 with a foot controller).

    The new verb engine will be a big boost to the "premium all-in-one solution" aspect of the Kemper. I know that several users on this forum are using premium reverb solutions with their Kemper today. I think that having a premium verb inside the KPA is a great move IMO. Certainly one that I have been rooting for :)

    I agree with some others here that the distortion stomps might be a good upgrade for the future. Again, I know a few people that are still using external stomps with their KPA. While I understand that there are many here who are asking for an editor from Kemper, I feel that new stomps would be more important now ..... especially since a very good 3rd party editor is now available.

  • The reverbs are probably ready but they're just waiting for NAMM to have something new to show. It's been a couple of disappointing NAMM shows with little news from Kemper, so I guess, they'll want to have something to talk about in Anaheim this year.

  • I have a few thoughts:

    1. Since we already purchased the KPA, Kemper owes us nothing, so I feel grateful they're giving us incredible, free updates.

    2. I think the vague timeline was created, or at least perpetuated, by the second paragraph of this article. I blame Guitar World. :)

    3. I respect the Kemper team who strives for excellence rather than giving us a half-baked update.

    4. I, like BVREDE, have a feeling Kemper will have some news for us at NAMM.