On the kemper is a small dial where you can tell it where to look for rigs. You can set it to “all rigs”, “favorites”, “just bass”. How do I create a new one called “just guitar” where I can filter out my many bass rigs? (I play both)

Screen for guitar only
So often I've played a bass Rig on guitar for a little while before I even realised.
another +1 from me
Although I've suggested it before and it got nowhere.
My suggestion would be more generic or editable way of filtering. I did quite a few acoustic guitar rigs profilling different gear and gear combinations I own. Sometimes I would like to have just the acoustic rigs to choose from also... And picture this: you could have just rigs you tagged as clean, or suitable for blues or metal...
True, and there might be other categories too such as modellers, outboard preamps, compressors and so on.
Welcome, MVP!
I agree Monkey_Man!
I went about to read other threads and posts and realized that there are many talking about this tagging feature that could give us much flexibility organizing our libraries. I believe that it would be simpler to implement than folder structure. -
Well, I think the folder structure on the KPA itself uses tags, 'cause if you look in the tag pane in RM you'll see, for example, "Guitar" or "Bass" in the "Instrument" field. It's logical to assume the KPA uses these.
IOW, a simple means of adding our own, customised choices to that "Instrument" field alone should theoretically "solve" the issue.