Best tweed (champ) profiles?

  • Hi Rod - is that "TJ-Big Twd Cln" profile from the Fender 59 Deluxe?…LOPO-TWEED2.htm

    Any comments on those TJ packs would be of interest.

    Hi Antipodes,

    I bought the American bundle 1, and its the High-Power Tweed pack, the comment tag says '1959 Fender 5F8-A Twin 80w', the speaker is Jensen P12Q 2x12

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper

  • Thank you KP and thank you Paults, I use your Dax quite a bit.
    I’m a huge tweed, brown and b.f. fan.
    Back to op. There’s a free MBritt pack you need ! In there is a
    tweed Champ clone...One of the best ...
    TAF also has a tweed Princeton
    and there’s one on rig exchange. 4.0 and 4.3...( I think ? )
    The thing about the Kemper is you can use that unbeatable tweed Champ
    sound at any volume !
    The good Champ profiles are fantastic for jazz with a Tele.

  • Does it need to be specifically a "Champ"? ....and are you looking for clean, distorted, or edge of breakup sounds?

    The way I usually play a tweed amp, is with all controls dimed, then I use the volume on my guitar and touch sensitivity to alter the dirt, and the tone controls or pickup selector on the guitar to tweak the tone.

    I just profiled my 1955 Tremolux (original speaker, transformers, etc) at full and half volume through a 1073 preamp and an Oktava 319 mic, and could try to upload the profiles if you're interested (I haven't made any uploads yet, so I've got to figure out how).

    The '55 Tremolux is the first model, and is dirtier (think tweed Deluxe) than the newer ones due to the design being a little different. It might be too dirty for you at full volume, but at half volume it's really touch sensitive and at either setting you can roll back the volume on your guitar and get a pretty cool edge of breakup tone that could be useful for jazz/blues.

    Whether you like the tone will be up to your ears, but I can guarantee you that the profile sounds like the amp (warts and all) and has a healthy amount of speaker breakup and character as you'd expect from a 60+ year old original.

    Doesn’t specifically have to be a Champ. The tweed character is what I’m after, however the sound of that wimpy 8” speaker is something I’ve grown quite fond of :)

    Looking forward to trying out your Tremolux - thanks for uploading !

  • @KPmole - Yes, please upload :) I use the same approach with my '66 Deluxe that I uploaded to the Rig Exchange a few years ago. The amp was turned up to "7" when I profiled it. I use the guitar controls and playing dynamics to go from clean and sparkly to gainy, dark lead. It is called "Fender Dyn DR paults"

    That is the exact way I prefer to dial in my amps as well. Looking forward to checking out your profile later today !

    On a different note: I’m almost overwhelmed by all the fantastic suggestions on here - Thanks !

  • you guys probably already know this, but to make sure:

    If you enjoy playing your amp/Profile wide open and use the volume control of your guitar to shape the sound, the 'Compressor' parameter in the AMPLIFIER section (page 1) was made with just this is mind. It helps to minimize the volume differences between dirty and clean sounds you create with the volume pot.

  • you guys probably already know this, but to make sure:

    If you enjoy playing your amp/Profile wide open and use the volume control of your guitar to shape the sound, the 'Compressor' parameter in the AMPLIFIER section (page 1) was made with just this is mind. It helps to minimize the volume differences between dirty and clean sounds you create with the volume pot.

    That is a great tip - particularly for these low gain amps. Thanks, Don.

  • you guys probably already know this, but to make sure:

    If you enjoy playing your amp/Profile wide open and use the volume control of your guitar to shape the sound, the 'Compressor' parameter in the AMPLIFIER section (page 1) was made with just this is mind. It helps to minimize the volume differences between dirty and clean sounds you create with the volume pot.

    I didn't know that either. Thanks.

    Sterling Musicman JP150, Fender USA Strat
    Kemper Powerhead & Remote > ElectroVoice ZLX12-P | Palmer 1x12 Cab(G12M) | Sennheiser HD558
    Audient iD14 > Reaper

  • You def need to check out Live And Ready's (deadpan) tweed pack. I was missing some good edge of breakup profiles that tweeds are known for, so when deadpan released his tweed pack I bought it. At first I thought it could use more grit so I contacted deadpan and asked if he could do more profiles. I sent him an example of what I was looking for and he went to work. I'm really pleased with the results. The pack covers everything from nice fender cleans to down and dirty (for example Niel Young type tones) and everything in between.

  • So, a quick update for anyone interested:

    I finally had time to spend with @KPmole s '55 Tremolux profile as well as the "Champ 4.0" by Olaf Rupp from the RE.

    After some minor tweak to gain and definition to suit my tele, I'm VERY impressed. The Champ 4.0 nails the wimpy 8" speaker sound and feel from old champs, and the '55 Tremolux is classic tweed tone, but the 12" inch speaker makes more versatile when you have to change to other rigs. The 8" champ is a massive change EQ-wise.

    I can only recommend to try these profiles out for yourselves - especially with a nice tele, my strat doesn't like them as much "out of the box"..

    Again, thanks to all for the great suggestions " :)

  • Try locking the 8" cab from the champ profile on the KPA and then auditioning other profiles with that cab. Works very well in many cases.

    Funny you should mention it - just spent the best part of 2 hours trying some of my regular profiles with different cabs. :)

    However, most of the time, if there's too big a difference between the cabs, the profile ends up sounding worse (to me ears). Which makes sense, since the amp for the original profile was tweaked to sound good with that particular cab. But changing from a 2x12 with G12H30s (I believe they're called) to a 1x12" cab with the same speaker and mics (cabs from the same commercial profiler) yielded some nice results with less bass and a more focused sound.

    And yeah, it's nice to have the option of using that 8" champ speaker on different profiles. Have to check out how it sounds on the MBritt tweeds!