Boss GT-1000 released

  • Did you set the output settings on the GT-1000 to "Katana xxxxxxx"?

    The colors of CTL switches are pretty much the same as the colors of the Boss stompboxes, so chorus = lightblue, delay = white(ish), flanger (and other mod effects) = purple, distortion = orange, and so on.

  • I’ve got a GT1000 coming tomorrow too. Really excited, and cannot wait for it to land. To be honest, I’m not expecting KPA quality tones out of it, but the latest YouTube demos have got me all moist. If I can get close enough tones I’ll be happy. And the only way I’ll return to the Kemper fold is if/when they decide to produce a floor unit. That’s half of the appeal of the Boss GT as far as I’m concerned.

    I've received my GT 1000 a while back, but only yesterday had a chance to mess around with it, my opinion so far compared to the Kemper is that it's very decent, I own lot's of profiles for the Kemper and find the Kemper to be the closest to a real tube amp, ( I've owned lot's of tube amps), Think the GT can do the job for me with a little programming, and I think I'll be using it live because of it's size, otherwise I'd return it and just use the Kemper, like i said the Kemper to me really is very hard to beat but will stay in my studio if i can get all the sounds i need out of the GT 1000, like some of you, waiting for the Kemper floor unit :)

  • I've got a handle on the colours now, thanks. Not sure what was going on with them yesterday. Been having a bit of a play, so am now a bit more familiar with it. Yes, the Output is set to Katana 100 1x12. It seems that some of the amp models are reasonably responsive, and some wouldn't stand up against my little Micro Cube. However, I'm certainly further forward today than I was yesterday :)

  • Two modeller in series - interesting but unusual.I can imagine they don't get along so well.

    I'm running my Kemper in the GT-1000 loop, they get along fabulously. No noise, no hum, and the effects in the GT-1000 fill in the few gaps in the Kemper's selection. And the BOSS is just slightly deeper than the Kemper Remote, but the same width.

  • I'm running my Kemper in the GT-1000 loop, they get along fabulously. No noise, no hum, and the effects in the GT-1000 fill in the few gaps in the Kemper's selection. And the BOSS is just slightly deeper than the Kemper Remote, but the same width.

    Well, if it sounds good, it's good. We know that Kemper is not exactly an effect giant.

    I just can't imagine that the katanana has a better cab sim than the Kemper via a FRFR box.

  • Hey Gang,

    I received my unit couple of fays ago and, so far, I've tinkered with it a bit with my Ibanez AZ series axe. So far, I am blown away how dynamic the GT-1000 is. I have not created my own pathes, yet; instead, I've been focused on exploring the fx part of it and I very much enjoy it. FYI, I've been running my unit through the ATH M50x (adjusted the output type accordingly). My next step will be to run the GT-1000 with a pair of Powercabs Plus units.

    Having listened just to the factory presets it does not sound like a real amp to me, however that is not to say that it sounds bad, it just sounds different and definitely better (especially out of the box) than everything digital that I've heard to this date from a floor-based form factor. Speaking in absolute terms, the GT-1000 can yield better results than most amps as it solves a lot of problems of running an amp cranked up all the time - you get similar dynamics (not the same, but close enough) and are allowed to avoid the challenges of running your amp super hot.

    I now tend to think that the BOSS factory presets (only some of them utilize the AIRD amp models, btw) are more to showcase the processing power and seamless patch switching rather than sheer tone fidelity; some of those sound natural, some of them are just a tad too processed; I relish the former, and avoid the latter - no big deal.

    Let's add that it weighs maybe 4.5kg and easily fits into a backpack. Add the fact that you can edit/build/tweak your patches from your iPad/iPhone, or Android device is a win situation for me.

    Overall, I am VERY pleased with what I've heard and dabbled with, so far. My ultimate plan is to run the GT-1000 along the Kemper, and I am certain they will blend very well.


    When it comes to the tone, go for the jugular!

  • Getting a demo unit or floor model sucks, I've had it happen to me before and had no option but to keep the product because shipping to another country TWICE would break my wallet.

    One thing I'd suggest you do @Bilbosmeggins is try some commercial IRs with the unit. Those would likely be the weakest point in the tone. Switch those out, and I'm pretty sure you'll get some good results.

    Also, Day 1 testing is seldom reliable. Look at some of the users we've had come to the forum to vent.

    I'd suggest reading the manual thoroughly, then scratch below the surface. Perhaps the use of a compressor would help you achieve the dynamics you seek.

    Also, check out the Boss GT forums. Probably the best forum I ever was a member was other than this. They really know their stuff there.

    Above all else, don't break down and buy commercial patches. You should learn to construct your own sounds from the ground up. It's not a Kemper and that can be both a blessing and a curse: you're not stuck with the sounds others give you, but it may not be the authentic tone you are looking for without putting in some hard work.

    Other than the Kemper, I think stock patches suck on all MFX units.

  • Quote

    Also, check out the Boss GT forums. Probably the best forum I ever was a member was other than this. They really know their stuff there.

    FWIW -Boss GT Central forum ceased all activities Nov 2014

    Boss GT series - Dedicated Forum area now that BossGTCentral is gone?

    Today VGuitarforums is the largest independent Boss GT user to user forum (24,000+ MEMBERS)

    and today many brands are no longer interested in hosting a direct to user forum - due to the new EU GDPR laws
    GDPR Portal

  • Here is my BIG +1 for Much like this forum, it is full of friendly, knowledgeable, helpful people, with information and discussions on all manner of electronic guitar gear.

    Ditto in regards to the VGuitar Forums!

    As far as the new Boss GT-1000, in reading many, many reviews, it appears that the consensus is that the three MDP / AIRD - based amp models are where the real magic lies. The models trying to recreate actual real-world, existing tube amp models are (in general) less convincing...although some have been favorably reviewed.

    I believe the MDP/AIRD based amps are designated as follows:

    X-High Gain

    While that may seem like a small selection, there seems to be a huge amount of parameters that can be used to customize these three amp types, so that they cover a lot of ground.

    For those who may be susceptible to going down the proverbial rabbit hole with endless profile testing, purchasing or demoing, or are paralyzed by "too many options" (analysis paralysis)...the BOSS GT-1000 streamlined approach may be an ideal solution.

  • Thanks Tritium

    I have been getting a bit confused with mine, as every amp shows up in the flow diagram as an AIRD preamp. And a lot of them feel completely dead. Now I know where to focus my efforts. Also found that my notes were just dying until I discovered that the guitar input level had to be cranked right up. Getting a lot more mileage out of it now.

    Has anyone had much joy getting a usable wah out of it with a high-gain setting? I'm after that elusive Brian Robertson (Thin Lizzy) wah, and can't get close. They only seem to sound half decent with a clean rig.

  • Hi guys

    I know this in an old threat. Nevertheless, I tried the Boss GT-1000 and I am positively surprise how well it sounds and feels. I can quite easily replicate low, mid and high gain sounds from commercial profiles with this Boss unit. The dynamics are great and when rolling back the volume on the guitar -- even sometimes better than the Kemper. I also had the Helix before and must say that amp wise the Boss is more a bit better to my ears. Probably the Boss unit is a bit underrated may be because its old fashioned interface is not so great looking - but you can use your tablet to control it. In terms of playing dynamics the Kemper can still be a bit better but its marginal.

    So we are lucky to have so many good products on the market to choose from. Also the recent beta-update with new drives for the Kemper is just amazing. I will keep both :)