First gig with kemper - awesome - couple of questions

  • Awesome the kemper as a live rig.

    When I switch to my acoustic, I hit the tuner on remote to mute. After switching I scroll to my acoustic performance and it unmutes the kemper and there is feedback as I scroll - likely still on previous performance - I realize I can change patches BEFORE switching from electric to acoustic. I can probably also use volume pedal to lower volume. Is there any setting that keeps it muted while scrolling?

    #2 still trying to solve how to get to FOH and my board (for inear monitoring). I vastly prefer stereo inear
    Right now I am splitting signal (XLR out via ART splitter) - sending stereo to my board and and left side to FOH. I want to maintain stereo for monitoring and go mono front of house. We record our shows with our board (AH qu16) so having good signal to board is also a priority.
    Line out is several db quieter rather than xlr. Not sure what to send to where to get best quality.

    Another observation - House power is noisy - had to roll up gate considerably on most patches to kill noise that wasn't there at rehearsal (my studio)

    Any thoughts ? Many thanks

  • Glad your lovin it...

    With the mute thing I guess there are multiple ways but it depends on how you are selecting your acoustic sounds like you are scrolling via Browse? Use performance and just instantly switch to the acoustic performance you set up...

    what foot controller ( if any) are you using?

    House power can be variable and even with a power conditioner you can still get this interference. Mind you, its way lower than valve amps!

    Try the noise gate stomp over the noise gate on the front. There are 2, 2:1 and 4:1 for really noisy...these seem to work better for me, possibly to do with where they are in the chain..

  • I think you have a couple options for your line and monitor out, maybe one of those will work for your FOH. I don't as my monitor is run off the board so I just run both xlr's to the main board..


  • I use the volume control on my acoustic electric to mute my signal when changing instruments as well as the tuner button to mute the KPA.

    A little passive A/B switcher upstream of the amp would also probably do the trick.

  • For monitoring in stereo do you mainly need to hear your guitar in stereo or the rest of the band in stereo?

    If it's mainly to hear your sound in stereo you can send the band monitoring feed into the aux input in the KPA and blend in your stereo guitar signal and plug your in ears into the headphone jack.

    If you need everyone else in stereo the same applies as long as your monitoring system is stereo.

  • Glad your lovin it...

    With the mute thing I guess there are multiple ways but it depends on how you are selecting your acoustic sounds like you are scrolling via Browse? Use performance and just instantly switch to the acoustic performance you set up...

    what foot controller ( if any) are you using?

    House power can be variable and even with a power conditioner you can still get this interference. Mind you, its way lower than valve amps!

    Try the noise gate stomp over the noise gate on the front. There are 2, 2:1 and 4:1 for really noisy...these seem to work better for me, possibly to do with where they are in the chain..

    Thanks for your reply - just getting back to this - I am using the remote in performance mode. Will check out the noise gate stomps thank you.

  • For monitoring in stereo do you mainly need to hear your guitar in stereo or the rest of the band in stereo?

    If it's mainly to hear your sound in stereo you can send the band monitoring feed into the aux input in the KPA and blend in your stereo guitar signal and plug your in ears into the headphone jack.

    If you need everyone else in stereo the same applies as long as your monitoring system is stereo.

    I monitor using the allen heath me-1 . We record our shows to so I am needing to send signal to the board and monitoring from their - it just occurred to me though i could take the headphone out of the kemper into the aux in on the AH ME-1