JTM Profiles - Heavy Tones Bundle 2 - Josh Middleton

  • So I’ve been playing with this set a bit. I find that I like to raise the gain on most of the profiles a bit to get that saturation. I’m using fluence modern pickups and feel like for a heavy tones pack I think they sound bit better with more gain?

    Solo maybe but in a mix, less gain is better than more. If you listen or read to what producers/mixing engineers say about high gain guitars is that less gain than ppl like to believe was used. With bass it's usually the opposite. There are of course exceptions e.g. Pantera on Vulgar display of power.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

  • Solo maybe but in a mix, less gain is better than more. If you listen or read to what producers/mixing engineers say about high gain guitars is that less gain than ppl like to believe was used. With bass it's usually the opposite. There are of course exceptions e.g. Pantera on Vulgar display of power.

    Sure if you’re recording and tracking 4 guitars I get it. I am just playing by myself at home.

  • Zero experience of his profiles but he says he's testing all his profiles and make sure they will fit in a mix. Something not all vendors do. Many of vendors profiles don't work in a mix.

    Think for yourself, or others will think for you wihout thinking of you

    Henry David Thoreau

    Edited once, last by GearJocke (November 12, 2020 at 3:00 PM).

  • Heavy bundle 3 is the best high gain pack I've ever purchased.. Other profiles just sounds less lively/real when A/B-ing with it.

    I just wish he will profile JP2C one day because the magic he does with my gear seems to work well together (without tweaking, out of the box)..

    By the way, Josh recommends using the EQ on his profiles when playing live and switch it off for recording.

  • Heavy bundle 3 is the best high gain pack I've ever purchased.. Other profiles just sounds less lively/real when A/B-ing with it.

    I just wish he will profile JP2C one day because the magic he does with my gear seems to work well together (without tweaking, out of the box)..

    By the way, Josh recommends using the EQ on his profiles when playing live and switch it off for recording.

    I agree with you brother.I did not know he recommended turning off eq for recording.I will try that.These profiles kill.

  • Everybody is very happy with these profiles but I'm not. Probably Im doing sth wrong. I've just bought my kemper and the Rhythm guitar Bundle 2 of Josh Middleton. I expected to get a similar tone to his. I use an ESP Eclipse with EMG 81 85 , standard D tuning and an audient sono audio interface. I have replaced the battery to the guitar the string are not new but not too old as well and quadtracked a riff specifically giving attention to palm mutes. The I compared this to STL tonehub with JMT dual rectifier profiles and to his MUSA DR 6 raw guitar sound from his video Heavy Tone Bundle 2.

    The result was very dissapointing. Why is the my version so lifeless and non chuggy? Wtf am I doing wrong? Even the Stl tonehub sounds better than my kemper version. Please help.

    JMT MUSA DR 6 Raw guitars

    My MUSA DR 6

    STL Tonehub

  • silkof

    Check at 12:27:

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    - Check out the screen, for example: did you enable the pre and post eq section?

    - I suggest that try to set the pickups higher - the magnetic field is smaller than a passive so you can adjust the pickup near to the strings.

    - There is a read me.pdf in the pack, read the 'basic mixing tips and techniques for guitar tones' part - the multiband compressor part is important.

    - You can boost it if you want.

    Otherwise: the thing is Josh’s recording and the tone of your recording aren’t that different. I hear what you are writing about but it is easy to bring these sounds closer together, see multiband compressor, eq. However the overall sound image does not only depend on the particular preset. The two sounds will never be 100% the same. Why? Cliché but the sound starts at the hand. Somewhere there is a comparative recording where different people play on the same kemper profiles and the result is different. Obviously not huge but audible. Josh’s picking isn’t like yours - that’s not a problem but a fact. Beyond the picking hand and the angle of the guitar pick there’s the entire signal path, which again isn’t 100% the same.

    Edited once, last by balazs (August 10, 2021 at 5:36 PM).

  • balazs

    -The profiles are as I imported them I didnt change anything. Yes everything is activated.
    -The bridge pickup is at 3mm which is the shortest recommendend. Actually I was thinking of lowering it to test the difference.

    -I read it I 'll try to use a multiband compressor to see the result...
    -Good idea

    Well I really dont think it is the playing. It seems like his recordings have more gain. This is why I'm trying to understand in another post in the forum if I do sth wrong with gain staging. I cant hit the audio interface with enough gain and I am forced to use its preamps. But I have the master volume of kemper at full...man...very dissapointed with all these crap:P

  • - I cant hit the audio interface with enough gain and I am forced to use its preamps. But I have the master volume of kemper at full...man...very dissapointed with all these crap:P

    It's strange, usually the problem is the opposite especially with active pickups: the input signal is too large and this causes clipping in the DAW.

    For reduce the 'oomph' (palm mutes): check the video below from 1:25. It is the Waves C4 Multiband compressor (very common solution in metal genre for the palm mutes - Andy Sneap made it "famous") but the settings works with other multiband compressors like the Fabfilter Pro MB that which Josh mentioned in the .pdf. This is a short, not detailed video so set the attack to fast and the release to short and play with the range and the threshold while you listen to the tracks to adjust the right amount of compression.

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    Edited 5 times, last by balazs (August 10, 2021 at 9:17 PM).

  • balazs

    I compared the sound with the video you posted where JMT goes through the profiles one by one (I guess playing with 1 guitar and without anythting else past Kemper). I added a OD pedal in the fron in order to make my sound similar to his. The thing is that he is not using an OD :) Wtf is going wrong...might there be another tweak?

    I know the andy sneap technique but before that I 'd like to see how close I can get to his sound through kemper tweaks...

    Before I buy the kemper I bought stl tonehub and his profiles for this vst plugin. The tone of my guitar/ playing was 98% identical to his without any tweaking. I expected sth similar with the kemper profiles. I seems that either I need to tweak a bit or the difference with my pickups is bigger thatn stl tonehub.

    Edited once, last by silkof (August 11, 2021 at 4:23 PM).

  • Well I also never reach the same sound with any profile. Eg the free Roadking Profiles of Guido Bungenstock that sounded outstanding in the profiling video sounded extremely different on my Kemper (bassy, muffled and spongy). So what is the trick?! I do not know. The same I experienced with the JTM Profiles. They sounded modest in my recordings and with such scooped sound I can never think of playing live and apart from being heard. So there must be some magic in the house. I think they sound better with my EMG81 compared to my Harry Häussel PUs that are amazing and my all-time favorites. Still married with a mid-boosting Studio-EQ in stomp X with a free Rectifier profile from TMS. I then also bought the TMS rectifier pack and was disappointed that I haven‘t even found the profile I love so much. So where did that come from ;0? Aliens…

  • balazs

    I compared the sound with the video you posted where JMT goes through the profiles one by one (I guess playing with 1 guitar and without anythting else past Kemper). I added a OD pedal in the fron in order to make my sound similar to his. The thing is that he is not using an OD :) Wtf is going wrong...might there be another tweak?

    I know the andy sneap technique but before that I 'd like to see how close I can get to his sound through kemper tweaks...

    What I hear: Josh’s input signal seems to be maybe bigger and I’m sure he uses a multiband compressor for the palm mutes and the overall sound is compressed anyway. I should actually check the specific profiles (I haven’t used the JTM pack lately, I’ve used guitar-plugins lately for recordings), then I could answer exactly. Anno I liked his profiles, I commented here too, but like 99% of high gain Kemper profiles, it needed some post-tweak.