Problems getting a good drive profile of my amp.

  • I’ve been trying for a while to make profiles of my Mesa F-30 without any luck.
    The clean profile seems to be almost dead on both as studio and direct profiles, but my drive channel profiles really doesn’t even come close.
    I’m using a Sennheiser e-906 directly to the Kemper and not using a mixer or mic-pre. For the direct profiles I use the Kemper D.I.
    For listening I use a Sennheiser HD-25 that I’ve been using for many years both in studio and live. It’s a headset that I know very well and that I’m used to hearing my amps through. It also quite efficiently shuts out sound of the amp in the room.

    When the profiling process is done the profiled version sounds more mid boosted and harsh, and it seems to be lacking quite a bit in the bass register. Still there is absolutely some kind of resemblance to the reference amp.
    When I then run the refining process it ends up getting further away from the reference.

    The amp is not running very loud, but quite close to what I would normally play.

    I’ve got two identical amps and have had the same experience with the both of them.

    So what could be the problem in my profiling process?
    Are there just some amps the Kemper can’t profile correctly?

  • there are some amps that cannot be profiled correctly.
    most often a built-in noise gate is the cause. presence of such a noise gate isn't necessarily visible from the outside (no switches or knobs).
    sometimes the cause is considerable distortion from the pre- and power-amp stages, but that is kinda hard to achieve and not a very common tone at all.

    I'd advise to put Mesa F30 in the title, maybe another F30 owner can chime in.
    try lowering the volume a bit

  • @DonPetersen

    So what I wanted to try didn’t work.

    Made some new profiles at the lowest volume my amps will allow while still sounding good and turned up the headphones volume.

    I got a better result this time, but there is still a bit fullness missing in the bottom frequencies. Tried compensating by turning up bass after the profile was done, but it doesn’t give the right feel.

    Is there a way to “force” the refining process in a certain direction?
    Am I playing the wrong chords or playing them wrong?