Midi PC via external Footswitch or I - IV buttons on remote

  • I am currently planning a new Setup where i want to control external MIDI gear. I know that it is possible to send PC commands when a rig is loaded.
    Wouldn´t that be a useful feature to assign any button to send those commands?

    Or am i missing something? :S

    I think it would be a no-brainer for the Kemper team to implement a stomp type effect to send MIDI PC on activation or to set an external 2-button footswitch to send the MIDI commands (which would be a great addition for anyone who is using external MIDI gear)

    What do you think? Is it something that is useful?

  • Yeah, it is possible to use another solution than the remote. But for those who use it already it would be a huge step backward to use another pedal and/or route another pair of cables to the rack. The convenience is one enormous advance of the remote. I would love to integrate it in any setup without limitations. I am not sure if Midi switching has any time-wise pros or cons in oposite to the remote switching times.

    The hardware is there, its only a little line of code to be written ;) Please @timo, can you tell if this will be done someday?

  • In Performance Mode you can program the slot to emit other program changes. Check the System/MIDI menu and the slot settings.
    This allows you to switch other gear whilst switching slots on the Profiler itself (via Remote or MIDI).

  • Yup, that scenario is working. But the option to control any midi gear without changing the rig would be great.

    I often use the morphing feature a lot to switch between clean and distorted sounds because of the cool fading between the sounds for example. If i want to trigger an additional external effect in that same rig it is either on or off when i select the rig. The fading is not possible if i change between rigs i think.

    It would be my feature request to have an additional stomp effect to send PC commands when turned on or off which can be triggered via the remotes effect slot buttons or an additional footswitch.

    For example if i want to control another Amp with the Remote in addition to the KPA itself.
    Or if i want to trigger a click-track from my DAW, Start or stop recording.
    Or anything else that can be controlled via MIDI, lights or pyros or whatever.

    Is there any chance that this will be implemented as additional feature in the future?